Recommendations for kissing


Active New Member
Hey everyone, Newbie here. Looking to purchase my first doll soon and really struggling to decide on one thats perfect for me.

The big thing for me is a sexual connection so really want to find the doll that gives me that spark. My preferences are big(ish) lips and not skinny on the body so i can dress her up in latex/pvc/leather for some kinky fun but i suppose the main question i want to ask is that there any dolls you have/had were you felt like kissing felt as close to a real persons lips (I know it cant be the same but more the feeling of the lips). Thats is very important to me so any advise welcome
She looks great, I don't want to appear at all negative but I very respectfully suggest if you are mixing heads / bodies etc Keep an eye on the skin tones if matching is important to you. I have bought several that I thought were identical colours only to be amazed when they look totally different when put together!
All the best with your new lady................
Thanks Aly, Yeah i will try and make sure i match. In my case it shouldnt be too bad as i enjoy them being clothed mainly so shouldnt show to much :)