Bargain alert 1

Kate Kane

Platinum Member
I managed to get out of the house for the first time in ages today when my son drove me down to the shops. Even though my mobility is pretty limited at the moment and it absolutely knackered me, I could just about manage a slow hobble around some of the supermarkets and it was great to have a change of scene and pick up a few bits and pieces.

Anyway, I always like to have a browse in Lidl as they often have some really surprising special buy items. Well, they've done it again - this time its some very sexy and skimpy ladies undies at knock down prices.

They have packs with two pairs of lacy briefs for £3.99 and matching push-up bra/cami tops at £4.99. The basic colour is black, but there are a couple of options available in he colour of some of the lace detailing. I think these were one of last weeks specials but my local branch had a fair few still in stock. The bra sizes only go up to 36c but the smaller sizes might be fine for some silicone girls and you can just about get away with the 36c for a Teddy Babe Deluxe. The size S knickers are the most suitable for dolls.

I couldn't resist picking some of these up, so here they are modelled by my glamourous assistant Dr Jenny.








WHOA! the doctor is IN!!! :D:drool:drool What an outfit, think I could book myself in for a physical? :twisted:

Why would you even want to leave the house with ladies like that to take care of you? :p

Even when you are not at your best; you still post stuff like this, think you'd blow up the forum if you were on form!
Great stuff

Its so good to see the lovely Dr. Jenny again. What's that Nicole? Oh yer its good to know that Jensguy is back too! :tu
I missed the bargain, my local Lidl didn't have any of those things on the shelves.

That is one hell of a beaver:tu You could get lost in there:eek:

Reminds me of this song...
