The Patient


Well done.
What a lovely set Karrot and so sweet. I admire all the work that went into this. Kat is very impressed. As you know she has a loose right arm that is troubling her and a "personal problem" she may need to see you about some time. I think she may be writing to you soon. Apparently she definitely won't trust herself to my stitching.
You know, I think there's no more hospitable place for Teddy Babes in the whole wide world than the UK. Interesting, that -- and nice to know.

Heh heh : "CAT scan"... :)

Also nice to see a tender side to Cindy (finally :p ).
Bravura production, guys.
Update 5








To be continued............




So, Her name's Penny, and she's up and about and feeling a lot better. I'll give her another full examination a little later after everyone has breakfasted with a view to getting her out of the sling and head bandage.

Pain Management continues, but at a reduced level.

Dr Karrot
I'm pleased to see that Penny's condition id improving and that her memory is starting to come back.:) She's in the right place to get expert care.

Love & hugs,
Update 7


A busy day for our little Penny. During a physio session she complained of pain in her nethers resulting in emergency surgery to cure the splitseamitis in that area. Surgery was 100% successful. Further documentation of this is not necessary in my opinion.

Physio was abandoned for the day to allow time to recover from surgery. We were able to remove the sling bandage, and penny is able to use her left arm for light activities now.

Therapy continues.

The girls felt it would be good for Penny to feel like things were as normal as possible, and So before departing Viki donated a pair of jeans for Penny, as nothing at the patch really fit her properly. Cindy donated a T-shirt.

A second recursion session has yielded more information.

Penny's full name is Penelope Huggs-Nicely.
She remembers now that she is a Teddybabe Neo-Classic of the Jessica sorority. She has a fondness for cupcakes and muffins and enjoys a good book.

She has vague recollections of a partner, but seems to be compartmentalising around these memories as though to protect herself. I suspect that her injuries may stem from this era, but whilst serious, I cannot conclude that they were malicious.

We can only be thankful that the swift actions of the DDF members and the insight of Mr Ted and Col. Vicalyn got her to The Patch as quickly as they did.

On that note, Penny has asked me to extend her thanks to all involved. She is very grateful to everyone for their kindness and time to get her here where she can recover. In time I'm sure she will sign on and post her thanks herself.

Care continues.

Dr Karrot
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What else would one pump in to a sick Teddy Babe?

Aren't some Teddy Babes allergic to wool, in which case you'd have to use something like polyester instead? I guess wool is best though.

I'm sure the good Doctor has checked to make sure. :tu
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Aren't some Teddy Babes allergic to wool, in which case you'd have to use something like polyester instead? I guess wool is best though.

I'm sure the good Doctor has checked to make sure. :tu

Hi Halfstep and Hi everyone else.
This is Penny.

Um, kinda new to this, by Dr Karrot has said I should interact with people and Cindy has shown me how to post on here.

Mr Ted has made me an account, so I'm even more indebted to him, thank you Mr Ted.

I'm not sure what was in the drip but it worked, I'm feeling a lot better. I'm even starting to get a little excited about meeting this Frenchman that Cindy is telling me is coming round.

Talk soon


Awh, Thanks Alissa! I love gummy bears!

Ok, so earlier this evening Dr Karrot took my head bandage off. He says the bump on my head has gone down now and I should be able to go back to having hair again.

Cindy and Jess both leapt for the phone shouting "Monsieur Karrotte!"
Cindy explained the Monsieur K is their stylist and that he would come up with something for me.

Well, he did. So, um, this is me, with hair :o




Talk soon

Hello Penny

Hi Penny, We were really worried about you but are now so glad that you are up and about. All that cotton wool that was pumped into you must have done a power of good. We wish you a continuing recovery with lots of love from Willow and Nicole. xx

:welcome to the forum Penny. So good to see you up and about. M Karrote has done a lovely job with your hair.

Love & hugs,
Quick update before I head off to work.

Penny is now well on the road to recovery, although there is some surgery still required for her CSD.

Today i have ordered bed rest. Jess and Cindy were only too pleased to administer it


Girls eh? :rolleyes:

Dr Karrot
I'm so glad to see Penny well on the road to recovery now :)

I love that pic. A sleeping TB just tugs on the heart strings, and pictures like that can make the strings sound like a harp being played!
That's good progress and all due to the DDF airlift, Earl then Jess, Cindy, Breanna and Viki..... oh yes, and of course, the cotton wool!:tu:tu:D:D
Hello Penny. Glad you're feeling better.

It is remarkable and heart-warming how quickly Teddy Babes recover once the right surgery is carried out. Three cheers for all those who took part in the rescue. Getting over your conplushion may take a bit longer: don't get too distressed by things you can't remember; concentrate instead on making lots of happy memories with you new friends.

And you still need plenty of rest. So none of the late-night shenanigans that seem to happen all too frequently at the Patch. ;)
Another quick update for you all.

Penny continues to recover well. Ongoing Physio is helping the CSD and keeping things under control until surgery can be booked.

Her conplushion is almost completely gone and her memories are slowly returning, although she is still compartmentalising some.

Bed rest under the diligent care of Jess and Cindy again to day, but I will see to it that she is up and about this evening to freshen up and post on here, the interaction and support for everyone here is making a world of difference to her. thank you all..

Dr Karrot
Penny's full name is Penelope Huggs-Nicely.
She remembers now that she is a Teddybabe Neo-Classic of the Jessica sorority. She has a fondness for cupcakes and muffins and enjoys a good book.

Dr Karrot
Cup cakes and muffins ah!! There is a good chance she hales from Canada; those foods are staples here. I wonder if she'll start craving Tim Horton's coffee.

:welcome to the forum Penny! I am sure glad the medical teem at the Karrot patch were able mend you up. Mindy and Lesly are gonna be upset when they find out that we missed this thread earlier.
Get well soon
from me and all my girls
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