Therapy - Cindy Style


Part of the Furniture
Staff member




Cindy Snuggleworth
Penelopy Huggs-Nicely

Score indeed...I think we all scored with this photostory:tu:drool

While they are busy on camera you can keep Jess busy off camera:D;)

Gorgeous pics and it's great to see sooooo much of pinky Penny and the oh so sexy Cindy.
Ah! Cindy! She has nothing but the care and comfort of others in mind.
How sweet
What a kind understanding little lady she is!
I couldn't help but be reminded of Kenny Everett's Cupid Stunt character when the trousers being in the way were mentioned.....
"... and then ALL my clothes fell off!!"

Girls playing with girls leave me personally cold, but that doesn't keep me from appreciating a well staged photostory just like this one!


I would generally agree Hotz, but then watching a mixed couple get it on doesn't stir much in me either.

This is why with any story like this I generally go for a more artistic approach and hint at what's going on rather than show the a gratuitous set of images that leave nothing to the imagination. (or I say the camera broke :P )

For me this was more about Cindy and Penny naturally flowing into an intimate encounter. Cindy's track record is well knows but Penny is new to us all, so this was the first (hopefully of many) stories that will reveal her personality and her place here at The Patch.

And for Stan..... "it was all done in the best paaaaaaaaasible taste!" :D

Great therapy Dr. Karrot and the best blonde-on-blonde action since Nina Carter and Jilly Johnson. Only us more seniour (in years I mean) members will get that reference.
Great therapy Dr. Karrot and the best blonde-on-blonde action since Nina Carter and Jilly Johnson.

A blonde Penny is very fetching, but I get the feeling there might be a sultry dark brunette Penny inside just waiting for her chance. Could Monsieur K. be persuaded?