The Patient closing

I'm going to round this thread off now. Further updates on Penny's future surgeries and adventures will be posted in the relevant Teddybabe or Interactive Doll forums

We hope you enjoyed this little yarn, and thank everyone for their kind comments.

What follows below is a short description of the real world events that took place to make this thread possible. If you dont want to know, stop reading here knowing that I'm an very thankful to Cyber Ted for his part in Penny coming to The Patch and his fantastic Christmas Emergency thread that set the scene so well.



As with Cindy, I have been pondering adding a 3rd plushy lovely to the Patch roster for a while now. CT contacted me about a different doll initially, but when I explained I would only really be considering a standard he offered me the doll that is Penny.

Penny's original partner hadn't really got on with a TeddyBabe and she had some damage cause by inexperience with TeddyBabes. I really dont think it was malicious at all. Subsequently Mr Ted had taken her in with a view to fixing her up, but things have transpired at his end that have kept him busy else where. He managed to straighten her skeleton out somewhat and fix a few busted seams, but further work is required to get her back to where she should be and he simply hasnt the time. CT offered her to me, fully disclosing the issues she had.

Because of these issues we concocted the story you have seen, about an injured TeddyBabe who needed urgent medical attention, and it was CT's idea to do a twist on the biblical tale considering the time of year.

I put together the typical Ape's and Incompetence sequence with the ambulances, and revoL did his part with the 'van'. The poor guy simply had to jump in the car and come up to The Patch to meet her :D Im glad he did, because having Viki and Breanna here for additional characters was great, and we had a wonderful weekend.

So a massive Thank you to Cyber Ted for finding my 3rd plushy lady.
A massive Thank you to revoL for coming up and making her arrival even more memorable.
And a Massive Thank you to you all for playing along with out story and making this thread great!

............ Subsequently Mr Ted had taken her in with a view to fixing her up, but things have transpired at his end that have kept him busy else where.
Thank you for not adding *CoughHeather* :whistle:

...................and he simply hasnt the time.
Again Thanks. ;) :D

You're very welcome and it's great to see Penny settling in with Jess and Cindy. :tu

We look forward to Penny's further adventures with her sisters at the Patch. :)

You mean it wasn't real:eek::(

Glad penny has a great home and two loverly new sisters to cuddle :twisted::b

Alot of work must have gone in to organising the whole story i laughed so much at
Collecting the ambulance:21.
One last thing, I'd really like to know:

Forum member Plushero has (had?) a standard Jessica-babe by the name of Penny.


CT, Karrot -- is this the same Penny??
No, not Plushero's girl.

She's been with him for more than three years and must still be with him.

Penny who is being looked after at the Patch is the newest, latest type of Standard Teddy Babe.

Hi folks,

We are indeed still about and Penny is very much still with me but I have been away working in the back of beyond for a good while but now back in (what passes for) civilisation :) for a week or two!

'Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and All the Best for the New Year!!

PS Penny is actually a Neo Classic four foot six babe.
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Hello Penny

I read your story and am so pleased that everything is okay for you. Karrot, Cindy and Mess are great folk and I am sure you will be happy in your New home. My name is Loverboy and I will let Karrot tell you all about me. I will probably catch you on the forum sometime.

bloody Phone!

Sorry Jess my mobile decided to spell your name as mess. I hate trying to figure out New phones!

Hi Cindy

Hi honeybuns long time no see, I'm sure a Jess will get over it. So much for predictive text. Yes I've gone up in the world with a new Sony Xperia M on contract from 3 mobile. It was costing me a packet on pay as you go internet, now I can eat as much data as I like, only problem is I'm still figuring out how to bloody use the thing. Apologies again Jess
