Coming Soon! Earlock Holmes in.....


Part of the Furniture
Staff member
Penny Diabollockle






Can our Super Sleuth save the day?

Will Ms Plushington learn to use better name calling?

What dastardly deeds is Penny Diabollockle plotting against the world?

Will Cindy whop her baps out again?


Are there going to be more farting roller skates?

Find out soon, in a Theatre near you!

See more adventures of Earlock Holmes Here
OMG, this looks like it's going to be riveting:tu

With Hotz and his teaser and Karrot setting the tone with this thread we've got much to look forward to:)
Well I must say it really wasn't very nice to tie poor Jess to a chair.:no::no:

Don't worry. Pinky isn't really being nasty to Jess. They're just pretending. Like actors do. :)

They're very good at it aren't they?

Ruth ;)
Don't worry. Pinky isn't really being nasty to Jess. They're just pretending. Like actors do. :)

They're very good at it aren't they?

Ruth ;)

Yes but who knows what's in Pinky's head. Err... I'll rephrase that, what's going on in Pinkys head, errm nope ....... Whats at the back of Pinky's mind... hmmm ....what's driving Pink's thoughts ....... AAARGH.....

Yes they are good at it. :)

