It's Behind The Sofa!!!!!!!!


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You can all blame Cuddly for this one :D His kind offer to make Pinky some dreadlocks like Lian's made this possible, so here's The Patch's Halloween tale for this year.

Hope you enjoyed it, and a massive Thank you to Cuddly from Pinky and Myself.

A Moptopuss

These stories just keep getting better and better, just when you think nothing can top that Mr Karrot pulls another one out the bag. :b

Sorry but im giving this thread the 5 star treatment. :tu

What can I add to Sam's comments? Absolutely brilliant - how do you think them up? :21:21:21:21

The eyes burn me up! Ping-pong balls?
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What can I add to Sam's comments? Absolutely brilliant - how do you think them up? :21:21:21:21

The eyes burn me up! Ping-pong balls?

A well cultivated detachment from reality :D and beer. lots of beer

And I told it to behave! :no:
Intolerable, this behaviour, all this burping and such. :no::no:
On the other hand I'm glad that I didn't mix things up and sent you the wrong one! The much smaller versions are just as peaceful, but they settle in for warmer, cosier and especially moister places. BTW, they're called "Moptopussy" :21

Now, I had no idea where all this would end up when I posted the whole thing off. All I knew was that one pink girl would probably like it, and beyond that one root vegetable had something in mind, too. :b

Oh, before I forget it: They must be somehow related to Gremlins: By all means keep it away from water! (Seriously, Lian's Moptopuss lost lots of its original fluff after washing!) They don't turn evil from that, though.

We just woke up Lian's head pet to have a look at the story, but they're obviously a bit simple: It almost crashed the screen trying to get to its pink mate.

Anyway we all had a good laugh here, thanks Karrot for turning my lil' contribution into this fun story. :tu
For anyone who would like to grow or attract their own Moptopuss I could supply instructions, there are already some in the thread I ported over from TDF. I guess I won't be doing another one soon, though, because of some things I'd have to figure out still - and it's one hellofa lot of work.
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Oh dear gawd, that was hilarious:24 but looks seriously good and very cute;)

Great work from Cuddly on the Mop and great work from Karrot on the 'wig intro' thread:tu:tu:tu:tu:tu(Five thumbs-up to go with the five star rating already given)
Brilliant stuff, a real belly laugh (and I should know all about bellies).

Great job on the 'locks' too Cuddly.

Also, well done Pinky for not being freaked out by having a strange beast leap up and dangle its testicles tentacles on your head.
ten outa ten for ingenuity and hilarity on the wig intro story Karrot.
Su-bloody-perb,mate. :tu:b:24
Nice one on the dreadwig, cuddly. A master craftsman.
The eyes burn me up! Ping-pong balls?

Sorry Dongo, I missed this first time round.

They were originally going to be ping-pong balls, but I found these in Tesco's Halloween stock. They are bouncy balls.

Thanks for all the replied folks, glad this gave you all a laugh. it really is all Cuddly's fault tho, as i was going to do a 'Pinky comes beck from the salon, Cindy gets all horny, you all have to go off to the hotspot' post, but he wanted silly :D

(might have plans for the hot spot.......)
Although I love your comedy stuff there's been a severe lack of posts in the hotspot lately, so..... (not that I'm biased or anything :whistle: ). :D
Thanks for all the replied folks, glad this gave you all a laugh. it really is all Cuddly's fault tho, as i was going to do a 'Pinky comes beck from the salon, Cindy gets all horny, you all have to go off to the hotspot' post, but he wanted silly :D

(might have plans for the hot spot.......)

Great story Karrot :b Very funny, nice to see Pinky making new a friend.

Silly's good, but this does have legs for a hotspot story

Nice work making Pinky's wig Cuddly :tu
Ah! Those sweet girls and their expressions look so alive!
The pink "thing?" I thought I recognised the handwork. Great story, well shot and well acted too. Made me laugh. Good one Mr K.