New arrivals chéz Jensguy

Kate Kane

Platinum Member
We've got some new faces in the household in the form of these two beautiful young ladies.

Well, maybe not wholly new faces, since you may already have seen Melanie, on the left in a couple of earlier threads. She is the mannequin head I recently gave the full makeover treatment with poseable eyes and a custom paint and makeup job. Until now Mel has only been able to appear with the kind agreement of Signe, whose body she needed to borrow. Now Melanie has her own mannequin body and on those occasions where she borrows the Textile Doll body at least she and Signe can just do a swop rather than have one as a disembodied head. Although its not apparent in these pics, the body has undergone a bit of customisation too. Lets just say she's a little more upfront and prominent on a couple of points than she was previously and the undergrowth has started to sprout down below too.
To go with the new body Mel has also been to the hairdressers and had a long blond makeover. I really liked her in her former short brown cut but I think I may like the long blond look better still.

The other gorgeous young lady, on the right, has come to live with us courtesy of the immense kindness and generosity of member Paul121 who was looking for a new home for her and agreed that she could come to join me and the other girls here. I can't thank you enough my friend.

These girls may not be the most interactive members of the household but they look great (at 6ft tall they're pretty imposing too) and if one of your vices, like mine, is gazing at gorgeous girls, they're just perfect.
You lucky devil!! 6' feet tall is more than a bedfull!! I love the Melanie eye make up - I always think that black conveys a certain and appreciated tartyness!
6' tall :eek:..................:cool::tu Now that is a lot of eyecandy :D

Exactly my first thoughts after I read all of the introdution. Taller than I am :eek: Besides, JG, make them a little more comfy! They still look a little reserved - well, one could say... stiff :21:21:21
Well, that's me and my plush cuddle passion again :rolleyes: However, eyecandy for sure.

CU cuddly
I love the Melanie eye make up - I always think that black conveys a certain and appreciated tartyness!

Me too, I've always found that look very alluring. It reminds me of the late 1960s when heavy black eye makeup was very much the 'in' look and my mother would tut-tut at at the likes of Twiggy in the newspaper or Julie Driscoll, Dusty et al on Top of the Pops saying "Who does she think she is with black rings round her eyes - a panda?"
Two fair maidens they be tis true.
Destined for heaven, as are you too.

Gorgeous girls jensguy, and oh! 6 feet tall, what a dream!:drool

Me too, I've always found that look very alluring. It reminds me of the late 1960s when heavy black eye makeup was very much the 'in' look and my mother would tut-tut at at the likes of Twiggy in the newspaper or Julie Driscoll, Dusty et al on Top of the Pops saying "Who does she think she is with black rings round her eyes - a panda?"

If it was possible with a Teddy babe Miss Nicole would wear it thick and black!