Olivia's Wardrobe


Old Timer
Hmm a thread that realy need some post's me thinks.

So Fashion it is then.

Olivia has a very large wardrobe so here i will post some photos off her in various outfits.

First up is The Famous Kill Bill-Game of Death Suit.

Oh hurry up and take the photo will you !


Does my ass look big in this ?


Hey watch where your putting your hand bud ! Oh look you can see my toosh :o

Next up is my little black dress, well no wardrobe would be complete without one.

Hmm think the ceiling needs painting.

I am beautifull and i know it !


Changed my hair... Well gentelmen do prefer Blondes.

I'm Loving That Black Dress!

Hi Olivia, it's cool to meet you honey. You do look good in your little black number, you have great legs too, i've just showed loverboy the photo and he agrees with me, what great stockinged legs! Oh and by the way me and loverboy are in bed having 'playtime' together!
Hi Olivia, it's cool to meet you honey. You do look good in your little black number, you have great legs too, i've just showed loverboy the photo and he agrees with me, what great stockinged legs! Oh and by the way me and loverboy are in bed having 'playtime' together!

Hi Jessica, lovley to meet you to kiss kiss.:o

Thanks for thoses kind words,every girl likes to be complemented. :)

Lucky you !My man is always to busy for the fun stuff after he's is finnished taking photos of me, off he go's to the computer. Oh well i guess i better get the toy out off the bottom drawer again. :o
Samurai went out shopping again, I said "what have you got for me this time ?

"A birthday suit" he replyed :confused:


He's a wise ass. :mad:

Pink Tankini
