Editing the name of my doll.


Active Member
Hi all,

just a very quick ask as a noob and as I 'try' to get to grips with this forum:confused:

Just wondering if there's a way to edit the name of my Doll once added to the Who's Who- Meet The Dolls Forum.

I'm not changing her name, I've no intention of that just wish to edit her name to reflect her first name and remove the rest of what I'd entered. Any help would be very much appreciated, or if an Admin could ammend it for me to just her first name that would be great thanks...

Regards Craggy.
Great stuff, thanks Holly.

Could you please remove the "Say's Hello :)" from her name to keep some conformaty to the Forum, I'll add her persona to the group in the future, next there's the other two girls (Becky n Lyndsey) to pose, photograph and introduce- time permitting:tu

Kindest regards, Craggy (Carly)