In The Dark.........Again?


Part of the Furniture
Staff member


In Association with



In The Dark........Again?


More plush than you can shake a stick at :p

(and a recap for those that may need it)

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:21 Haa the eyeballs in the dark were awesome, kinda reminded me of the old Warner Bros cartoons.:tu
Your girls always have something unique going on.


Nice story! Vamps always add someting "spicy" in the house. :D

Very good! Are you sure you have enough Teddybabes? :)

I think she is not Karrot's vampire... :)
But, are you sure you can have enough Teddybabes? :p

No, more teddybabes is not planned here, including standard ones....

I just dunno how you cope with all that lot. There is just something about TB's and this lot are just full of fun bless them. Love the eyeballs in the dark, reminds me of certain things in the Beano comic.
Oohwwa! Why do I always find these dayz later?
Now... Mr Karrot, what do you mean "Fin?", that's just teasing me my dear lad!
Do we really have to finish this story in our heads? mmmh, not fair!
Poor plushie girls, I sure hope they are ok...

Love Carly. xxx
Ah, love it!! Mop steals the show. :D :D

Had a great laugh when his little-bitty eyes appeared in the dark. :21
But you know, all those disembodied "eyeballz" keep reminding me of something else...

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:24 nice one, Zang:tu

It was fun working with Karrot on this one during a great weekend of laughter and merriment although most of the credit goes to him, I just helped out a bit.

You are right, Minato, the little vamp lives with me and the girls and you are right vamps are fun to have around. She will be featuring in her own adventures when I get set up for such threads but for now I want her personality to shine through so everyone gets to know her.
Great fun:tu and nice little story too, Well i see Cindy is up to her old tricks again and if the cute little vamp gets thirsty, just send her down my way!
Good on you mop, your getting as pervy as me:drool:24
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More welcome mayhem from the Patch :21
I sometimes wonder what chemicals you're vaping but what ever they are, don't change them :D