Hello, it's great to be here!


Active Member
Hi everyone, I am new here. I have been curious about dolls for a very long time and looking at them online it seems for years. I do what most single men do and I own several sex toys, Fleshlights, sleeves, two inflatable dolls with the more realistic heads, tits and feet but I can’t seem to make that journey to the next stage. I am extremely secretive about my sex toy interest and none of my friends would ever suspect. I don’t know if it’s embarrassment or what that stops me for actually buying something like a silicone doll or maybe it’s something else. Even if I never get one I do like looking at the photos on the doll websites and yes I admit it, I dream of having sex with a doll but that’s about it. I particularly like the Cloud Climax Jiusheng Dolls especially with long dark hair, it seems she could be ideal for me. How many doll owners agonised like this before they committed to their first doll purchase I wonder?
How many doll owners agonised like this before they committed to their first doll purchase I wonder?[/QUOTE]

To answer:
Every doll owner before they just took a deep breath, and did it!:tu
I agonised for ages looking at affordable love dolls. I was lucky enough that my older brother bought a new doll and let me have his old one. I have since bought 4 new ones and I can't imagine being without them now. More than just sex dolls, they become companions.
How many doll owners agonised like this before they committed to their first doll purchase I wonder?

To answer:
Every doll owner before they just took a deep breath, and did it!:tu[/QUOTE]
Thanks! That is pretty much what I thought someone would say. It doesn't make it any easier though. I am really happy that so many people have their dolls and are enjoying them. It just might take me a while to join you all!
I agonised for ages looking at affordable love dolls. I was lucky enough that my older brother bought a new doll and let me have his old one. I have since bought 4 new ones and I can't imagine being without them now. More than just sex dolls, they become companions.

Wow! Four, that's amazing! I expect it will happen eventually, I am just not that brave!:) Having a brother who has done the same thing must have been good though so you can discuss it openly which is different to my situation. It will just take me a little longer to get there.
Hi everyone, I am new here. I have been curious about dolls for a very long time and looking at them online it seems for years. I do what most single men do and I own several sex toys, Fleshlights, sleeves, two inflatable dolls with the more realistic heads, tits and feet but I can’t seem to make that journey to the next stage. I am extremely secretive about my sex toy interest and none of my friends would ever suspect. I don’t know if it’s embarrassment or what that stops me for actually buying something like a silicone doll or maybe it’s something else. Even if I never get one I do like looking at the photos on the doll websites and yes I admit it, I dream of having sex with a doll but that’s about it. I particularly like the Cloud Climax Jiusheng Dolls especially with long dark hair, it seems she could be ideal for me. How many doll owners agonised like this before they committed to their first doll purchase I wonder?

Hi Graham,

welcome to the forum.

Pretty sure that all of us in one way or another agonised over the decision. Whether that was the financial commitment, the where would you keep them, the how would you explain them if you were disovered.

When you think that one of these girls will set you back more than a new top of the range 65 inch TV (and thats before we even get onto Silicone, lol) you start to really ponder the investment.

Took me a couple of years before I encountered images of a girl that absolutely rocked my world. When she arrived though she was so realistic that initial thoughts of her being a sex doll flew straight out the Window.

Years later she is still here... And she's still a virgin....

Just had to look up Jiusheng as they're not one that I know.

Some of them remind me of girls from other manufacturers. Which one is it that appeals to you?

Anyway, look forwards to chatting as you embark on your journey.

All the best,

Shamus. :tu
Lol! ...and that's the sound of Graham's head exploding!


Hadn't seen this one before. What a great shot Sir :tu

I can't keep up. Who's wearing pink?


Hello Graham, Welcome to the UK Love Doll Forum.

My girls are shy these days.;)

I am sure now you're here you will soon have a doll or two yourself.

Hi Shamus
Thanks for the welcome. Well at least you know how I feel about the whole thing. I am sure it was the same for everyone here but of course it feels like you are the only one at the time. As you say it’s a huge financial outlay too so not a quick easy decision to make. Maybe that is also part of the reason I have put it off among other reasons! It’s interesting that your girl (I must remember to refer to them as girls and not dolls! See I am very new!) is still a virgin. I can understand that too. She’s to be held and kissed but not necessarily more than that. I guess I have a lot to think about. I can imagine myself sleeping with her and just her presence is all that is required. I would never be able to tell my friends that! I have seen images of a lot of dolls over a long period of time but only very recently came across the cloud climax website. I saw the photo of this particular girl:
And thought her long hair and the style it was in, the shape of her face and lips and the colour of her eyes and skin just made me think wow! I know that all of these things can be changed of course as the list of options seems endless but maybe the person that created this particular model in the photo knew that these attributes would appeal to someone like me. I probably would choose slightly smaller breasts ideally, but not too small! You may be chatting to me for a very long time before I take the plunge (if I ever do!) but it will be great for me to talk to someone who actually understands. OK I just saw the photos you posted now that really is something! I am never going to reach that level....one will be just fine. Best wishes, Graham
Hi Tommo
Thanks. It’s not just the girls who are shy! I may never actually do this but just joining the group on here feels right somehow. Even if I only ever admire the girls of the other members then I guess that’s fine too? I am hoping that I may, just may, have a girl of my own one day.
Lol! ...and that's the sound of Graham's head exploding!


Hadn't seen this one before. What a great shot Sir :tu

I can't keep up. Who's wearing pink?



That one's Katia (originally called Linda). She's a WM #56 hang on a sec... Here you go... When she first moved down here from sunny Glasgow.

Hi Graham, :welcome to the forum.

I've been here for 2 years and have 3 dolls. I can't say I agonised about it before ordering the first, my only dilemma was choosing one with exactly the look I wanted, but it was something (after a fashion) that I dreamed of having years and years ago. As a teenager I thought about how cool it would be to have a shop mannequin to dress up and pose in my room and take photos of. Then real life got in the way and I forgot about it. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon TPE dolls and was amazed by how real they looked, after having only seen the inflatable ones on TV. It didn't take me long to order one and the other two quickly followed. They're a huge part of my life as they are to many people here.

I hope you decide to go for it and bring a girl into your life someday, but if not, enjoy being here :tu
Hi Graham, :welcome to the forum.

I've been here for 2 years and have 3 dolls. I can't say I agonised about it before ordering the first, my only dilemma was choosing one with exactly the look I wanted, but it was something (after a fashion) that I dreamed of having years and years ago. As a teenager I thought about how cool it would be to have a shop mannequin to dress up and pose in my room and take photos of. Then real life got in the way and I forgot about it. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon TPE dolls and was amazed by how real they looked, after having only seen the inflatable ones on TV. It didn't take me long to order one and the other two quickly followed. They're a huge part of my life as they are to many people here.

I hope you decide to go for it and bring a girl into your life someday, but if not, enjoy being here :tu
Thanks. For now it's good to just see what others are doing and if I do get myself a girl then great but even just looking at the sites selling them is at least a step in the right direction. Either way i shall enjoy being on this site.
Welcome to the forum.

I didn't really agonise about my first doll until I had actually placed the order. The wait can be difficult and I was most worried about shipping problems but she arrived safe and sound 3 weeks after I placed the order. That was nearly 4 years ago and I now have 6 dolls and 6 spare heads. I thought 2 would have been enough but now I'm thinking of getting bodies for 4 of the spare heads.

Enjoy your time here.