Daniel Tries to Apologise


Golden Diamond Member
Daniel and Sasha return from the park and find Sihtric and Rachel looking for something to watch on TV.

Sihtric: Sasha, what are you doing?
Sasha: Daniel has something to say to you and Rachel.
Rachel: Not interested. I'm watching TV.
Come on, guys. You gave me a chance.
You didn’t do anything bad. You just felt like you were intruding. I'd have felt differently if you tried it on with my sister.

Daniel: Rachel, I just want to say…
There is nothing you could possibly say that I want to hear. Except maybe, “I’m leaving.”
He was considering that. I asked him to come back.

Why bother? Got you twisted around his little finger after that episode in the studio?
Can you just let him speak? If you don’t like what he has to say, fair enough. Everybody deserves a second chance, don’t they? Sihtric?

Maybe I should just go.
Best idea you’ve had since you got here.
You weren’t very friendly to me at the start, either, Rachel. You didn’t want to share your home with a stranger. I totally got it. I had some bad times before I got here. Daniel did too.
Right. Poncing around in front of the camera, wearing silk shirts and a Rolex? Walking in here like he owns the place?
You didn’t mind drinking tequila with him.
Any excuse for a few shots.
I just want the chance to apologise, that’s all. If you don’t like what I have to say, I’ll grab my stuff and go. You’ll never see me again.
All right. Go on.
I am really sorry. The truth is, all I’ve ever done is promo photos for the website Lulu found me on. I was ordered by someone else a few months ago and when I arrived, she didn’t want me. Most of my life, I’ve spent in the box I came in. I’m not spinning a sob story to get the sympathy vote. I was rejected and made to feel like a failure. I pretended I was a top-class model because it made me feel better and I guess the act got out of control and made me seem arrogant. When I turned up at your door, I was actually dreading being turned away again. Once was enough.
Is this true?
Yes. I’m sorry. I don’t blame you one bit for punching me. Rachel, I apologise for what I did. That was completely out of order.
Are you gonna say sorry to Sasha too?
He already has.

I’ll go out for a while and leave you to talk about it.
Close the door after you.

What do you think, Rachel?
Does it matter? Sasha’s obviously made his mind up to accept Daniel’s apology, and you’re leaning that way, aren’t you?
Of course what you think matters. We’re not ganging up on you.
I doubt Lulu would let you make him leave anyway. Especially after that studio shoot with you, Sasha.
If she thought he was being a dick to any of us, she would.
*SIGH* Don’t expect me to be nice to him.
We’re agreed, then? He can stay?
I suppose. Maybe if you keep posing with him with your shirt off, he’ll keep his distance from me.
Ignore her. Just go and fetch him back.

I really appreciate you giving me another chance.
Don’t waste it.
I won’t. Where is Rachel?
She’ll be keeping her distance for a while. You need to respect that.
Of course. Absolutely.
Sit down, then. You can watch TV with us. It sounds like you haven't had the chance to do that before.
No. Thanks.

Tentative acceptance. What happens next? Two more chapters to go...
Rachel... Thats not your little finger... Oh wait, its Rachel :21:24

So much bloody appologising and struggling with feelings... Is Rachel the only one in that place with any bloody testosterone!

Nice move on the well timed dramatic exit bab. If you need somewhere to stay for a few days away from the woke love-in I reccon that Emma and the girls would give you a bed for a while until things sort themselves out at home... Or maybe go hire Ashley to come and have words with the boys... Best make sure that Lulu is well stocked up with plasters, bandages and possibly splints first though.

Nice story Lulu. I may not like a couple of your fella's as people (They are not blokes I would go out for a beer with) but no denying its a great, compelling story thats got us all hooked :b
Rachel... Thats not your little finger... Oh wait, its Rachel :21:24

So much bloody appologising and struggling with feelings... Is Rachel the only one in that place with any bloody testosterone!

Nice move on the well timed dramatic exit bab. If you need somewhere to stay for a few days away from the woke love-in I reccon that Emma and the girls would give you a bed for a while until things sort themselves out at home... Or maybe go hire Ashley to come and have words with the boys... Best make sure that Lulu is well stocked up with plasters, bandages and possibly splints first though.

Nice story Lulu. I may not like a couple of your fella's as people (They are not blokes I would go out for a beer with) but no denying its a great, compelling story thats got us all hooked :b

Thanks, Shamus, I'm glad you're enjoying it. Sihtric is a big softie, although at least he managed to throw a punch in the last episode.

I reckon if Rachel went to stay with Emma and Co I'd never see her again - she's smitten with Skye, the same way Sihtric is :21
Sihtric is a big softie, although at least he managed to throw a punch in the last episode.

And Sihtric is the one of your fella's who I would invite around for a beer

I reckon if Rachel went to stay with Emma and Co I'd never see her again - she's smitten with Skye, the same way Sihtric is :21

Ooh, now there's a photo story that I think needs making! :drool
Hopefully Daniel behaves himself because hell hath no fury n all o that. Looking forwards to the next instalments.

Rachel's attitude in this pic! :21:21:21:21 Fkn Love It and lover her! :D

Poor Daniel. He's had a hard life and maybe this is a turning pint, but he hasnt reckoned on the silver haired She-Devil that is Rachel.

Singing......There may be trouble ahead.......


Hopefully Daniel behaves himself because hell hath no fury n all o that. Looking forwards to the next instalments.

Thanks, Seth, I will be working on the next one tonight. Daniel has a surprise in store for everyone :tu

Rachel's attitude in this pic! :21:21:21:21 Fkn Love It and lover her! :D

Poor Daniel. He's had a hard life and maybe this is a turning pint, but he hasnt reckoned on the silver haired She-Devil that is Rachel.

Singing......There may be trouble ahead.......



:24 Yes, Rachel's not convinced yet, but hopefully she'll be able to tolerate him by next weekend!
Jess is hoping Rachel will introduce her to Daniel. She couldn't take her eyes off of him when he was in the white boxers.
Boys night in ? :D

If it wasn't for Sihtric being so very reasonable about everything this lot would descend into brawling. Love it Lu :tu
Aww, glad the boys have made up at least. I am sure Rachel will come round to it real soon.

I don't envy you hoisting your family about LuLu, I was having issues building my gaming computer in front of 3 fans, I ended up dozing on the floor due to the heat. :21
Aww, glad the boys have made up at least. I am sure Rachel will come round to it real soon.

I don't envy you hoisting your family about LuLu, I was having issues building my gaming computer in front of 3 fans, I ended up dozing on the floor due to the heat. :21

:24 It is really too hot to be doing this. I was supposed to be spreading it out over several weeks, but Daniel turned up early and the band has a gig next Friday so his story has to be accelerated :D