A Sailor calls Part II.


Golden Diamond Member
Pagan had been waiting for the telephone call for months and when it finally occurred she found herself behaving like a teen on her first date. If her heart was able to beat it would surely have burst from her chest but being dead does have its drawbacks. The instructions were concise and the path was not to be deviated from in any way or the door would be closed for ever.

The rain beat down as she walked the route, through an area Pagan had never visited or in her wildest dreams had thought existed. She thanked the ‘powers’ for the downpour, the dull grey skies being kind to her eyes, a nightwalker gets little from the day. From the tidy and regimented gardens of the sad middle class she found herself going down seedy streets where even God was forgotten............except in that final breath where the sinner finally tries to ‘hedge his bets’.

Girls stood on the street corners, makeup camouflaging worn out faces, clothes barely covering their thin bodies as they waited in the spiteful cold rain, waiting for the ‘trick’ who would take them to their dreams, their little ‘Shangri-La’. They would wait and wait then at some distant point the waiting and hope would give out and death would ease their want.

Pagan passed these poor lost souls who paid little heed to a ‘walker’ in their midst and at last came to the street. Coronation Street. What a joke. Hundreds of English towns had a Coronation Street to celebrate Queen Victoria and her offspring, the apex of the British Empire, a time where if a problem occurred a gunship was despatched but sadly in this century it would need a lot more. Greed and despair crawled this street, pimps eyeing their 'property', the 'property' eyeing the passing trade for ‘business’. “Do you want business love, ten in the car, twenty inside”........... yes, Hope had indeed forsaken this place and still the rain beat down.

Pagan Moon suddenly found herself outside the ‘door’, Number 1 Coronation Street, B******. (Dear reader you do not want to go there.......)


Pagan tentatively pushed the heavy front door open to find the outside of the once proud home now lied. On passing through the Victorian portal the smell of decay, stale urine and tobacco assailed her nostrils along with a ‘finer scent’ more delicate than that of death, a light lingering tang that made her vampire senses come alive and at that she sensed a warm musty dampness starting to emanate from her sacred region, a sensation not felt for millennia.

She stopped at the first door and before her knuckles struck it shot open and a figure hovered there in the half-light........


“What is your business” was snapped out at the startled Pagan, despite years of knowledge this creature that swayed in the doorway was a first. The hallway had been bad but the stench that emanated from this ‘thing’ was stomach churning.

The creature staggered forward and to her disbelief, it was another nightwalker........


“Ahhhhhhhh, sister” the creature hissed “What brings you here, speak and be quick about it or suffer the consequences.......I’ve no time for fools”

Blood trickled down it’s chin as it spoke, Pagan had disturbed this thing whilst it was feeding, not good, not good at all


but before she could reply........
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“Hecate..........Mistress, Mistress, forgive me, your servant failed to recognise you............how can I serve.........”

Pagan was taken aback at the sudden change and had prepared herself for an onslaught but it was not to be, the old hag was genuine in her mistake and on being told about the phone call from the ‘sailor’,directed her to the first floor. ’It’ gave Pagan a warning about ‘sailors’, the French type that had just come ashore, before silently backing off into the darkness and slamming the door.

The hall light flickered on and off as our heroine moved forward into the depths of the hovel and it was as the light went off that she found herself near a writhing mass.


Even with her eyes it was hard to access what was going on in front of her but then she realised what was happening just as the light flickered back on......


From her attire it was an unfortunate girl off the ‘street’. The girl moaned as the sailor drove home his member, the moans getting louder, not false moans meant to please but real and guttural as each stroke hammered her frail body against the wall. But Pagan knew that this picture that was before her was not right. The moans of long forgotten ecstasy and delight suddenly gave way to a short childlike whimper...


The harsh movement like a sordid dance macabre became ‘slow motion’ as the event unfolded before Pagans eyes.


The young woman went limp in the sailors deathly embrace and Pagan was thankful for the lights going out as he went for the coup de gras,


As she moved towards the staircase Pagan briefly glanced back. The sailor had gone but what was left of the girl lay on the floor, damned and beyond grace for eternity.


A common prostitute but still someone’s daughter, a lost soul that would not be missed and tomorrow would be found, cold, lonely and unwanted in some distant gutter.

Pagan then noticed movement at the top of the stairs, very slight movement but movement non the less............

to be continued...........
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Excellent stuff! Rivetting!

Oh Wulfie! This is great stuff and so well written - and acted! A dark menacing tone, doom-laden and exciting. Can't wait for next episode. You have a forte for this sort of stuff - are you a warlock?
Not what i thought is was going to be, but pleasantly surprised, again the story telling and photos to match are excellently done, creepy, erotic, sinister, it can only come from wulfie's mind :D has me gripping to find out what happens next. :confused:

Oh Wulfie! This is great stuff and so well written - and acted! A dark menacing tone, doom-laden and exciting. Can't wait for next episode. You have a forte for this sort of stuff - are you a warlock?

Thanks Kats, I had a mental block after Part I so went down a different route riding on a dark mood.
Not what i thought is was going to be, but pleasantly surprised, again the story telling and photos to match are excellently done, creepy, erotic, sinister, it can only come from wulfie's mind :D has me gripping to find out what happens next. :confused:


Cheers Sam, I'll try to get back to more normal :D on Part III.
Wow, great story :b can't wait for the next part :twisted:
I just saw part I at TDF and found part II already online in the UK, probably another timezone :D :tu
The dark stuff makes it.

I think you have a talent for writing dark stuff like this episode and personally I think it's great, very atmospheric. All sorts of things can take place in that eerie house.
Pagan could be a great dramatic character - she is a vampire...but...she has the looks and the body and I'm sure she has a heart. Maybe Pagan should take on the forces of light....and win! Pagan versus an angel?
.... she found herself going down seedy streets where even God was forgotten............
Blimey, she's coming to my house

On passing through the Victorian portal the smell of decay, stale urine and tobacco assailed her nostrils

..there, told you so

.... Pagan Moon suddenly found herself outside the ‘door’, Number 1 Coronation Street, B******. (Dear reader you do not want to go there....)

Absolutely not, its Ken Barlow's house

But seriously folks .... that took a turn that I was wasn't expecting, but a very welcome one. I'm a sucker for grand guignol, theatre macabre and such darker material so I'm loving this. Cracking stuff Wulfie, beautifully posed, photographed and written. I can't wait to see where you're going to take the storyline from here.
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Great story and pictures Wulfie. We're all looking forward to the next instalment at my place, especially Valerica.