The Patient


Part of the Furniture
Staff member

Cyber Ted's girls have had a hectic day finding a medical facility for an injured Teddy Babe

Fortunately Viki's 'modification and total disregard for the laws of physics' with their 'van' got the team from The Manor here in time, So Dr revoL and Dr Karrot could consult, before the patient arrived.


But only just.......


We took the patient to intensive care immediately and made her comfortable



Thanks to Coral's expert care in the air ambulance her condition was stable, but her unconscious state persisted so I ordered and immediate CAT scan



It revealed very little however.





For now there's little we can do but watch and wait. At least she's safe now.

From first examination she is suffering from several ailments, including Contortive Skeletal Dysfunction and Seamsplititis as well as the obvious conplushion.

I will monitor our patient and update here as soon as I have news.

Dr Karrot
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I'm pleased to see that the patient is in good hands. Hopefully she'll make a full recovery.

Love & hugs,
So what's the latest news? Is there an emergency number to ring? I can't find the Karrot General listed anywhere!:confused:
Update 1

Cindy and Viki spent last night on overwatch with out patient, but nothing changed during the dark hours of the night


This morning, however, did bring about a change in her condition



We all responded to the call and rushed to bedside


It would seem that our patient is at least aware of her surroundings on some level, but she's not fully with us as yet. This is good news, even so,as it means she is beginning to come out of her conplushion. We continue to monitor her.


Dr Karrot
conplushion.:21 discombobulation theory:24

Sorry to laugh but I just can't help myself
English as it should be spoken.
Update 2

We continue to see slow but steady progress with out mysterious patient.

When Earl, Norris and Minni collected her from Coral, Amber and Mandy at the rendezvous there was no information with the patient, other than the medical handover from Coral. Apparently this patients past is a total unknown, and so we are hoping that when she comes too, we will be able to get some insight in to what has transpired to leave her like this.

Jess and Breanna have stayed with her all morning, providing external stimulation by reading to her



It appears to be working as she is becoming more responsive.



Cindy is unusually tender where this little lady concerned. I've yet to fathom why and she has volunteered nothing...

Monitoring continues though Dr revoL agrees that the worst is past and we can only wait for her to wake naturally at this point.

Dr Karrot
It's good to see that the little Teddy Babe is getting some great care. :tu

I'll tell Coral, she'll be very pleased, and interested to hear how the patient is doing.

I'm very happy that the patient is getting the required further medical aid. Earl and Norris might not be the greatest drivers but their stretcher technique was very professional. :b

There is definitely some CSD apparent. :(

We were very worried at times as she slipped in and out of consciousness, we thought she may have stopped breathing at one point but it turned out she was just breathing very gently, she maintained her healthy colour throughout. She did say some very strange things at times, although nothing that made much sense really. :confused:

I'll keep checking in to this thread to see how she's getting on. I'm sure she'll pull through with such great care and attention. :)
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Update 3 continued


Viki has started some preparations for a therapy session a little later, but for now Cindy is looking after our guest.

Dr Karrot
Wow - some improvement at last, this is good. Emergency ward 10 was never this exciting!:D
Update 4

Even after her own surgery Viki was emphatic about trying to help our little patient....






Some time later..............




Viki left Cindy to watch over our patient once more. Again, we can only wait now.

Dr Karrot
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As ever tremendous story and pictures, Karrot. Great plot excellent colaberation. :tu to all involved - guys ,apes ,dawg and offcourse the little ladies. Got my idea on the poor injured, amnesiacs identity but Ill keep my musings to myself. Still on the edge of my seat !
More please ? :b
Still on the edge of my seat !
More please ? :b

We shall, of course, keep you all updated as to her progress.

Currently she is sleeping peacefully under Cindy and Viki's diligent care. Her vitals are strong and stable and we have made some headway with the CSD, tho I fear that simple physiotherapy is not going to be sufficient and we will have to operate in the future to completely cure the illness.

Her conplushion is abating, however the amnesia persists.

Dr Karrot
Thank you Dongo, Nicole, and Willow. I shall pass them on.

She's still asleep and I envisage she will remain that way until the morning now. The pain killers for her head and arms are quite strong right now and seem to be knocking her out.

She's still doing well though, and we hope to have a update in the morning with more good news.

OMG its wool! Penny dropped! Some of us are a bit slow!.......You can say that again!

What else would one pump in to a sick Teddy Babe?

Dr Karrot
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