Winter drawers on


Gold Member
Helga the Guardian Elf was complaining about the cold. Well not so much complaining as threatening to cut me into pieces with her dagger and set her savage little pet wolf on all my cats if I did not do something about it.

Anyway, I found a lovely little furry top at a car boot sale on Sunday and bought some armwarmers and legwarmers from Poundland today.

Helga is happy for the moment :) but I know she is itching to do some damage with her gun or sword.



I've got a friend coming around tonight so he had better watch out what he says :eek: Last time he called her a Viking - which she is not - she is an elf but definitely not as in elf''n'safety.
I dunno, mission, she's looking pretty viking-y to me now!

*makes mental note to wear chainmail if ever visiting mission mansions again* :D
:D At first I thought you meant she had her winter knickers on!:D But anyway I soon got your drift Mission. :) Helga the Guardian Elf looks ace, the top will definately keep her warmer in the coming months, a very good idea.;)
You slay me cosy :D
And here's me wondering how far I should go in explaining a double entendre to the Yanks.

BTW I like your new avatar - a vast improvement :D
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She Looks Like Queen Boudica !

She looks really cool! Great photos Mission! Has she ever applied to be an actress, she would make a great Queen Boudica of the Britons, or should that be Elflings.
Love Jessy x