Sasha's Makeover


Golden Diamond Member
Giving Sasha a makeover was something I put on my New Year's Resolution list, and I thought I would share it, firstly so you can see I've done it, and secondly because I thought it might be helpful to newbies.

Sasha as he was before I started.

Carefully removing his eyelashes with tweezers. I tease the lash off the TPE with one pair of tweezers holding the lash and another pair holding the skin so it doesn't tear. Obviously I can't demonstrate that in the photo, not enough hands!

I removed his eyes so I wouldn't get glue on them or anything else, then removed all of his makeup with a combination of baby wipes with baby oil on, and cotton buds dipped in oil to get the smaller areas.

A clean pallet.

After leaving for half an hour for the baby oil to soak in, I applied cornflour with a large soft brush. I use baby powder on the bodies, but Adam gave me the tip that cornflour makes the face feel soft and silky so I switched, and this has a much nicer finish.

Eyelashes - the upper ones, longish and bushy (Primark special), and the lower sparse ones which I find are brilliant, particularly for guys (obtained from the Doll House), plus Loctite Superglue gel for application.

One of the lower ones on. I applied the glue a tiny bit at a time on the end of a cocktail stick, held the lash with tweezers, and gently pressed on.

Upper lash in place.

All lashes applied.

I'll continue this later. I was doing this in my lunch break from work and need much longer than an hour! Plus, there will more photos than I can get in one post, so watch this space for the rest of the makeover :D
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:24:24:24 You guys. PMSL! I'll be done with work by 5.30-ish, then I'll make Sasha look almost human again :tu
Late night, come home
Work sucks, I know
Making over Sasha's head
With no eyes he looks kinda dead....

Powder him slow
Make his skin glow
Put his wig on
Make him feel whole



Time for a full rendition of that new hit song?

"All the doll things"?

Just need to write a few more lyrics and record it at this point:21

Damn - if only I had a recording studio
Here's Part 2.

First, I put his eyes back in so he can see what I'm doing and choose the colours he wants :tu

This is the makeup I have for my dolls. A large pallet and a smaller one of powder eyeshadows and a powder blusher set.

Sasha likes makeup. Think 90s glam rock - Motley Crue and the like. First, eyeliner. This is applied with a fine brush dipped in baby oil, using black eyeshadow powder for the colour.

Eyeshadow next. We're going for purple with a bit of a sparkle. Again, eyeshadow powder applied with an oily brush - a thicker brush to cover the eyelids. Remember, if you smudge it or decide you don't like it and want to start again, it comes off easily with a cotton bud dipped in oil.

Both eyes done.

Lips next. I'm mixing a pink blush and a beige one, again with the thicker brush dipped in oil. I have to work carefully around his lip ring because it's a real piercing and you can get colour leaching around the hole if you're not careful.


Last job is his eyebrows. The really fine brush again, a dip in the oil, and a medium brown eyeshadow powder. Then draw them on so they look hairy. It takes some practise, but I did both Sihtric's and Rachel's brows over Christmas and am pretty pleased with them all.

I even managed to get both brows quite even, without a stencil! My trick, work on the right hand one first (or the left if you're left-handed). Then turn the head upside down and work on the other from the opposite direction. It works for me. I just have the doll's head resting on a towel on my lap.

Wig back on, and he's ready for a photoshoot I plan to do over the weekend, which will be his last one before he gets his new body in a couple of months :D
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Great job, can't wait to see him fully dressed and with hair. I'm hoping we get the full 90's glam rock shebang, complete with crimped hair and bandana. :tu
Thanks, guys I was pleased with the result :D

Seth, he'll be bringing out his rock star look again when he gets his new body. He has a hard time standing up at the moment. This weekend he's going for suave, with a new shirt he got for Christmas :tu
Finally, a couple of quick phone snaps of Sasha's outfit for his photoshoot, which I should be doing on Sunday. That will go in his main thread, but this is the new shirt he got for Christmas (Sihtric has the same one in grey), and he borrowed Sihtric's shoes as his own brown ones don't go with this so well. Bear in mind these are phone snaps with terrible lighting (my bedroom energy saver bulb).
