Hello everyone!


Bronze Member

I'm still relatively new to the world of dolls and welcomed a custom Sanhui into my house just over a week ago, her name is Arachne. I stayed up far too late last night doing her first photoshoot and look forward to sharing stories and photos about her soon! :D

I was directed to this forum by Willendorph after chatting with him extensively elsewhere. He recommended this forum as being very RP friendly and I look forward to doing some of that here.
Lol, I just had to go through in my mind what RP could mean. Me of all people! And the clue was in the mention of Nymeria's slave. RP... Role Playing :wall :wall :wall

Welcome to the Forum matey. Don't suppose that your custom Sanhui has pointy ears by any chance? Have to ask as there are a bunch of Elves here always eager to find out whether any more of their kin have trained their humans in use of the portal of chatting.... You know you could just call it the forum don't you... well its less syllables for starters... No I'm not trying to get you to talk less... I am not repressing Elves and WTF is the patriarchy anyway... I despair.. Sorry, momentarily distracted. Looking forwards to seeing pics of your new lass and welcome on board.
Welcome To the UKLDF, thanks for joining us here. :tu

Wow! A Custom Sanhui, I am looking forward to your photos and stories.

Lol, I just had to go through in my mind what RP could mean. Me of all people! And the clue was in the mention of Nymeria's slave. RP... Role Playing :wall :wall :wall

Welcome to the Forum matey. Don't suppose that your custom Sanhui has pointy ears by any chance? Have to ask as there are a bunch of Elves here always eager to find out whether any more of their kin have trained their humans in use of the portal of chatting.... You know you could just call it the forum don't you... well its less syllables for starters... No I'm not trying to get you to talk less... I am not repressing Elves and WTF is the patriarchy anyway... I despair.. Sorry, momentarily distracted. Looking forwards to seeing pics of your new lass and welcome on board.

To be fair, it was a mistake to assume that everyone would get that abbreviation! Yes, RP is Role Play! :24

...She may have pointy ears. She may also have a dark skin tone...

This is an introductory thread. Why not share a fun story of how I came to own a doll?

So, Arachne Baenre is the name of a drow character I am currently playing in a Pathfinder game. I've always loved the drow race since I got into DnD as a teenager and my current DM is really letting me have fun with this character, so I've really been enjoying playing her. I also do a lot of roleplaying online, including a character that I've been playing continually in the same game for over 14 years now. The idea of get commissioned art of some of my characters had been bouncing around my head for some time.

In Arachne's game she got herself some new gear and since this gear was sounding amazing in written description I decided to pull the trigger and get commissioned art of her. I got lucky and found an amazing artist who had no one in their commission queue at the time and was able to finish the art before the next session happened. After this, I decided to get the art as a large canvas print, because hey, I just paid good money for some art, why not show it off in my house and be able to enjoy it every day? When that came in I showed it off to my gaming group and one of them made a comment along the lines of asking when I was going to order the body pillow next?

It got a good laugh from everyone including myself. After session, being one to take a joke too far, decided to google 'Drow realdoll' because that was the only name I knew for a full sized sex doll. First result? Willendorph's Nymeria thread on TDF. I clicked that link and was immediately entranced. She looked so good that I wasn't even looking at what site I was on. I honestly thought at first I was looking at a really good cosplay, photoshop, or digital art. Pretty sure I read that thread from start to finish that night, enjoying every photo.

A doll is something that I'd thought about for years, but never in a serious way. I'd heard that they were very, very expensive (not to say that they're cheap now, but I paid far less than the number in my head) and never really looked into it. Now I had a perfect example of what was possible in front of me. Luckily after making an account there Willendorph was incredibly willing to answer all of my questions about both dolls in general and specifically Nymeria.

That was in January. I also reached out to Mike at Sanhui to talk about getting a custom doll that month. I placed my order at the beginning of February, and she finally arrived on Friday, March 17th. :D

Oh, and I never followed up on the joke with that guy... Here's hoping that no one in that group ever decides to search Arachne's name! :whistle:

TL;DR: Thanks to a friend's joke about a custom body pillow, I now am the proud owner of a lovely drow doll.
Welcome aboard Agent0013.

Yup, we need pics, pics and more pics! :tu

Thank you!

And pics you will see! Last night's photoshoot resulted in 200 photos that I need to sort through today. I plan to use 8-10 of them in her intro post that I hope to have up this weekend.
Welcome To the UKLDF, thanks for joining us here. :tu

Wow! A Custom Sanhui, I am looking forward to your photos and stories.


Hello Tommo!

Thank you for your help getting this account up as well as the quick setup of a doll account. :b
Just got the Elves to consult the great (and very poorly named) Tome of Things the Never were and she gets two whole pages in the section things of the ground and the underground.

Interesting story and a tragic tale of the how humans challenging Gods always ends up well for the human.

The Shire elves who live here are not so famous or skilled as Arachne. They're also likely to get mighty peeved when I tell them that the number of Drow on the site has doubled. They had only just about got used to Nymeria's gnome burning ways.

I say Elves but there are a mix of Elves, Pixies and a nymph. They also have a cocophony of short eared hangers on. Some of whom they have adopted and others they just put up with.... I think that I come under the category of "They just put up with".

So, come on, tell us more about Arachne? For all the images seen en route to her arrival nothing prepares you for first opening the box. c'mon, first reactions to her? Were you one of those who took to this like a duck to water or did it take a few days to really appreciate the girl who had arrived? It's certainly a big step to go from knowing nothing of this world to a not insignificant investment.

Ok, we're nosy buggers, we want to know everything... Preferably with pictures :21

All the best,

Just got the Elves to consult the great (and very poorly named) Tome of Things the Never were and she gets two whole pages in the section things of the ground and the underground.

Interesting story and a tragic tale of the how humans challenging Gods always ends up well for the human.

The Shire elves who live here are not so famous or skilled as Arachne. They're also likely to get mighty peeved when I tell them that the number of Drow on the site has doubled. They had only just about got used to Nymeria's gnome burning ways.

I say Elves but there are a mix of Elves, Pixies and a nymph. They also have a cocophony of short eared hangers on. Some of whom they have adopted and others they just put up with.... I think that I come under the category of "They just put up with".

So, come on, tell us more about Arachne? For all the images seen en route to her arrival nothing prepares you for first opening the box. c'mon, first reactions to her? Were you one of those who took to this like a duck to water or did it take a few days to really appreciate the girl who had arrived? It's certainly a big step to go from knowing nothing of this world to a not insignificant investment.

Ok, we're nosy buggers, we want to know everything... Preferably with pictures :21

All the best,


It's always good to know there are more elves around! I'm interested, but perhaps don't tell Arachne... I'm sure you're well aware of how drow and surface elves get along! Don't worry, Arachne has never burned a gnome, even if it's only because she's never had the chance! I'm sure she'll find her own way to disturb and disgust the surface creatures.

Hey, them putting up with you sounds pretty good compared to being considered a lesser life form hardly worthy of the air I breathe. :(

Opening that box was like a dream. Drow are notoriously hard to photograph and get their color right, and the same can be said for Sanhui's photographers because she looked nothing like the color sample photos I'd been sent. She looked even better. There was some concerning damage on the box, but she was unharmed. I probably spent close to an hour taking her out of the box and unwrapping her, then immediately cleaned and powdered her.

Despite all of the reading I did and all of the help by Willendorph, the last week has been a very steep learning curve! I'm still learning how to appreciate her, how to care for her, how to (everything) for her. It's a journey, but so far I've really enjoyed it. If absolutely nothing else, she's done wonders for my mental health. I absolutely love having her here with me.

I don't mind the questions! I've been grateful for the internet as a place to talk about Arachne, not just for the wealth of knowledge out there but also because I don't have anyone IRL that I feel comfortable telling about her in her new physical form. All of the excitement has been hard to contain.

But if you want photos, perhaps you can help me a little. I haven't had a ton of time to browse the available forums. I see Nymeria's thread is in the Chinese doll forum. Is that the best spot or is there anywhere else better suited to storytelling and roleplay? It's a big part of why I decided to sign up here so I want to be sure I reach my target audience!

I got the first photo locked in and lightly edited. 8 more poses to go through...
Arachne has never burned a gnome, even if it's only because she's never had the chance!

That you know of ....

I can promise that a true maiden of the underdark can't help but enjoy a little gnome burning ...

Maybe it's the satisfying crackling sound their fat little bodies make on the fire! Exquisite!!

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That you know of ....

I can promise that a true maiden of the underdark can't help but enjoy a little gnome burning ...

Maybe it's the satisfying crackling sound their fat little bodies make on the fire! Exquisite!!

I suppose you're right, but the reason I say that is because I'm not sure if she's ever met a gnome! Maybe an enslaved one? You don't burn a good slave!
:welcome Agent0013

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