Sexy mannequins

Having seen Missions and Geldermany as well as the place in Ely that restores them, I seriously on the look-out for one. Just kicking myself for missing one on Fleabay 2hrs ago just 10miles away, for £40 but the face was not quite what I wanted.:(
I've got about 6 out of my collection I'm planning to put on ebay when I get around to it. Where do you live because I was going to do it collection only as most sellers do?
I've found that even the very realistic mannequins are reasonably priced -- usually under US$150 for brand new. (About £97) While I'm sure there are plenty of bargains on eBay, even the new mannequin market can be a steal compared to our plush and silicone pals. Many come with wigs as well.

I know this store has a good reputation with some of the folks at TDF:

And this store has a very interesting selection and has warehouses in Germany and Canada:
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