big girls


Golden Diamond Member
Someone once mentioned dolls modelled on the more fuller-figured lady and i saw these so had to share...

There really should be more normal-sized mannequins in stores, only particularly slim girls can get an idea of how clothes would suit them with most mannequins.

Thanks Phil.

Words fail me, scary comes to mind. If I was younger, a suitable 'landing strip' for a jump from the top of the wardrobe but now to be underneath :eek:
Oh yes, ladies with curves and a bit of padding.

In silicone they'd need to be supplied with their own block and tackle and a voucher for the hernia clinic, but in plush? There's a thought. The Teddybabe XL range anyone?
"Enhanced" Teddy Babe Deluxe XL?

Well, I wouldn't want to cast any aspersions against our lovely plush ladies but, if I were to suggest any "enhancements" it would be to maybe decrease the size of their OS bosoms and put the extra stuffing into an enhanced waist. If our ladies have any "faults" it's just that their current stature is a little exaggerated making it hard to get a good fit with "human" clothes sizes.

Of course, for some, the very exaggerations are the point, it's just for myself personally "chunky" girls have even more soft sqidgy cuddles than skinny ones! more fun too, I've found.
So my Deluxe XL model would have a 36 inch bust, 26 inch plus waist, thicker lower legs and a nice soft curvy tum! Weird? Me? Nah!
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Well the thing about dolls is the variety, most dolls are kept as small as possible but it would be good to see some bigger versions, they would also be seen as less threatening to the female population because they would not be deemed to be the perfect woman.
In Teddybabe form I would like to see a well proportioned doll of genuine size 16 but with really soft size E to F breasts.

Now that's a cuddle monster :tu