Bush Babes

Kate Kane

Platinum Member
St Knickerless strikes again! After seeing Melanie's set of sunlight pics the other day Emily said she'd like to dress up in some sexy lingerie for some photos too. I think she was eager to show off her newly completed lady patch - which is even thicker and more extensive than Mel's. So here are the two bush babes, both missing their knickers again, posted for no better reason than I like it.

Y'know, with sights like this around the place it can be really hard difficult to concentrate on things.
Well, there's one or two things in this picture I bet you can concentrate on pretty well! And the reason for posting it is reasonable enough for me as well!

One last thing though: Don't ever get lost in the bush, you know! :D

CU cuddly
Knickerless and bushy... :drool

Naga and Hinata aren't bushy, and they dislike to be seen knickerless... :o
I like a good bush to trail-blaze through.

Pubic hair that is long enough for a bush like that can be used as dental floss. ;)
Nope not for me, I prefer them removed or at least well trimmed.

I have a lady friend who may be able to help: :)


