TPE repair help


Silver Member
Hi does anyone know how i can repair a tear in my TPE Macy Doll. Cheers :tu
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Are you repairing yourself?? :D

Also Silpoxy is no good for TPE, just in case you were thinking that way.

As Karrot says, silpoxy is no use whatsoever for TPE, it's only useful for gluing silicone.

Silpoxy is what Abyss (Real Doll, BoyToys etc.) supply in their doll repairkits. It's used widely in doll repairs.

Some folks are allergic to silicones so the COSHH regs probably require Bentley to say that on their materials.

Are you repairing yourself?? :D

Also Silpoxy is no good for TPE, just in case you were thinking that way.


Yes i am trying to repair her myself or if anyone can do it i will pay them. Its The macy doll i purchased of these forums which is TPE. The insert looked to small for me to enter so i used a cucumber (like an idiot) which was basically my size and put a condom on it and lub to see if it could enter the insert. When i tried it caused a small 5mm tear and i am thinking how i can repair it. Any ideas please? :tu If it cannot it will have to be the binmen for my Macy Doll because i will not be able to use it plus having spent £550 on doll plus over £200 on clothes,hats,boots for her since i got her just over a week ago it could turn out to be a costly mistake. Any ideas please before i will be disposing of her? Cheers
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Oh no this is terrible. Deep commiserations.

First - as the thread is labelled Silpoxy - I have used Permaflex flowable silicone for windshield repairs successfully and it's excellent on silicone.

For TPE I wonder about getting a sample of TPE material and cutting it up into very small pieces and inserting into a glue gun, using a stick of conventional glue to force it through.

On discussions about TPE repairs on TDF heat from a hair drier has been suggested but in the delicate region you're dealing with, out of the question I'd think.

Some TPE glue from WM might be the answer. Stef can supply it and probably has it in stock.

From memory however, your lass is quite photogenic so even if a total loss for sex, she's going to be still of artistic value for someone so don't throw her out in disgust.

Best wishes

Oh no this is terrible. Deep commiserations.

First - as the thread is labelled Silpoxy - I have used Permaflex flowable silicone for windshield repairs successfully and it's excellent on silicone.

For TPE I wonder about getting a sample of TPE material and cutting it up into very small pieces and inserting into a glue gun, using a stick of conventional glue to force it through.

On discussions about TPE repairs on TDF heat from a hair drier has been suggested but in the delicate region you're dealing with, out of the question I'd think.

Some TPE glue from WM might be the answer. Stef can supply it and probably has it in stock.

From memory however, your lass is quite photogenic so even if a total loss for sex, she's going to be still of artistic value for someone so don't throw her out in disgust.

Best wishes


Thank you for replying Harem i will try Stef. The damage on my Macy isnt even that bad but i dont want the tear to get any bigger i will post a picture tomorrow of it. Regards Wingham
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Thank you for replying Harem i will try Stef. The damage on my Macy isnt even that bad but i dont want the tear to get any bigger i will post a picture tomorrow of it. Regards Wingham

You're welcome

Looking again - is it just the insert that's damaged?

Buying another insert won't be a fortune. Samurai might even have two or three or . . . .

Best wishes

OK the good news is that you've done all the right things since having your mishap.

You've come here and asked for help and you've not made the damage worse by continuing or trying to repair using household glues etc. So sit back and pat yourself on the back for that.

As Haremlover says if it's the insert that's damaged don't worry at all, replacements are just an order away and the old one can be used until the newer arrives.

If it's the doll's body that has torn, again it's not the end of the world and can be repaired using the correct glue.

WM have a video on their site showing do's and dont's of TPE repairs using their glue. Link here

We've all had to repair our dolls at some point or other, I know how bad it feels when you cause the problem yourself but don't worry, almost everything can be fixed. :tu

Sam is our local guru of TPE dolls so if you are unable to get help from Stef, give Sam a PM and I'm sure he'll help you get it sorted.

Good luck. :)

One side point. If the insert is to tight for use, just leave it out. I use a latex clove as an insert for Xiaoli, so that clean up is still quick and easy as her insert was no good for me.

Back on topic. The best way to repair TPE is with the glue that Steph / WM can supply. it chemically melts and bonds the TPE back together and I have had every success with it repairing things n Xiaoli.

OK the good news is that you've done all the right things since having your mishap.

You've come here and asked for help and you've not made the damage worse by continuing or trying to repair using household glues etc. So sit back and pat yourself on the back for that.

As Haremlover says if it's the insert that's damaged don't worry at all, replacements are just an order away and the old one can be used until the newer arrives.

If it's the doll's body that has torn, again it's not the end of the world and can be repaired using the correct glue.

WM have a video on their site showing do's and dont's of TPE repairs using their glue. Link here

We've all had to repair our dolls at some point or other, I know how bad it feels when you cause the problem yourself but don't worry, almost everything can be fixed. :tu

Sam is our local guru of TPE dolls so if you are unable to get help from Stef, give Sam a PM and I'm sure he'll help you get it sorted.

Good luck. :)


Thanks guys for replying. Its not the insert thats got damaged as you can see in photos. I bathed and powdered her before taking these pics. I hope you can see the damage it just above my finger. I didnt want to pull it down anymore as i thought it could do more damage. I am also including a photo of Casey (macy doll) where you helped me on this forum when her left arm wouldnt go past her nose as it was stiff. But thanks to your tips she can now lift her arms above her head :b. She is also sitting in her chair with her new hat on waiting to see if u guys can help her please. Thank You :tu
Hi Wingman, Ok its an easy repair if you have the tools.

The people who make these dolls use to send out a small bottle of tpe glue with each doll, but for some reason or other they stopped sending it out, i have recieved none from them in the last 3 dolls i bought :confused:

Still have some left from when i got Rachel, that said you don't get a lot to begin with (10ml) i think which is 2 teaspoons :eek:

But that said it it lethal ! I fixed Rachels wrists and pour some tpe glue into the cut to seal the wound, The tpe acted like acid and melted the tpe at her wrists. (Mistake no1):rolleyes: I soon learnt you don't need a lot of this stuff to repair and tears in tpe.

I don't know if Steff (France) does stock it this is his accesories page and its not listed.

I have sent him a pm at TDF and asked if he has any ?

Ok as the cut is on the labia you could if you want try a very very small amout of superglue, but if you don't want to try that the the TPE glue is the only other way to go.

I have only a very small amount left and even if i could half the amount i have nothing i can send it in, or i could have it fixed in about 20 seconds. :whistle:

Ill dig around some more and see if i can find a sutable bottle i can send some in as realy you dont need the much and follow these steps.....

1 xSmall bottle tpe glue
1 x Cocktail stick

Here i have made a small cut in one of the tpe inserts i have, and i am about to close the tear using a cocktail stick dipped into the tpe glue.

When you take the cocktail stick out of the tpe glue bottle there will be a very small "teardrop" of glue at the tip of the stick, Make sure this drips back into the bottle

All you need is the "residue" that's left on the stick, Wipe the stick over the 2 parts to be stuck together,

Then put the stick to one side and hold the 2 end to be joined together for about 20 seconds and thats it ! she all fixed.










6/ 20 seconds later.......



Sorted !! :tu
That is what i need m8,If you could send me some i would appreciate it and let me know how much u want m8. Regards James :tu:tu:tu:tu:tu
The glue is free but the little bottle it comes in will cost £50 :tu
And ill even through in free postage. :D

Ok Im bullshittin,:21 ill pop it in the post to tomorrow and lets just call it a gift. :tu

THANK YOU SAM. Ur a brilliant friend helping out an idiot like myself doing that stupid thing to my macy and i am sure my Casey will be over the moon. Thank you again Regards James :tu:tu:tu:tu:tu:tu:tu:tu
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