I'm trying to work, I don't need a distraction. But!


So, since the pandemic is now pretty much behind us, work has started to come in strong. I edit dance shows and I have to put a lot of hours into it. One thing I don't need is a distraction....

However, after many hours of editing and I'm near the end, I feel something soft surround me.


"Hi Honey, what ya doing?" she uttered in her gentle reassuring voice I love so much.
"Just editing love." I replied. "Be done soon."
She glanced at the screen.


"But honey you said that hours ago. I'm in the mood..."


"Lets go to bed." she whispered. "You can do some wicked, wicked things to me!"


It wasn't like it would take me long, but I just had to get this editing done. Money was tight you know.
"I'd love to," I managed to utter. "...after I get this finished."


"Parden?" This was the first time she was refused.

It was then that I realised what i did wrong....


"I'm Sorry Kim, of course I want to be with you..."


"You know I love you.... right?"


She's not buying it.
"Your my everything!"


I was getting desperate
"Just look at you, your perfect in every way!"

Then my biggest mistake ever!
"I just need to get this finished!"


"So you finally decided to come after 2 hours?"


She seemed calmer than I expected. I got confident.
"2 hours is nothing love."

"Well its going to have to be on your own!"


Story of my life!
This is my first attempt at some kind of story. Took me a while but finally manged to get it finished. Its just a simple somewhat rubbish story but just wanted to see what I could come up with with simple equipment. The shots at computer were done with the mac cam. Other shots were done with my samsung phone.

Some simple photo enhancements using Photoshop elements.

Hope you enjoyed it.
I don't know if it's maybe a problem with my computer or not, but I can't see the pictures.
You poor thing, I'm sure she'll forgive you when she realises that work pays for presents etc:D

Great short story:b Those pics with her behind you and arms wrapped around you could not have been easy to set up:no:
That's better. now I can see all the pictures.

Great story!:b:b:b and great poses. I love how well you captured her expressions.:tu:tu:tu
Lovely story, great pics :b

The first four reminded me of my girls when they have found something on Amazon that they want.

Must have taken an absolute age to get the look so perfect. the arms, the fingers, the angle of the head..... Yopu've taken to this like a duck to water haven't you :b

Of course, you can't control the cat so easily :21 The look on the cats face... First the tail... then the look of disgust that your attentions are elsewhere... Then the cat flap swinging like saloon doors :21

Really enjoyed the story,

All the best,

Shamus. :tu
Hee hee! I really liked it!!! Pro tip; when the girl asks for attention, just give it to her. The fallout of refusal just isn't worth it. :D
Love this, brilliant story! You're in trouble now though, I hope you make it up to her and make sure you put her first in future :D
Well done, the poses with her arms around you and getting her head to look in the right place must've taken a lot of effort, trial and error to set up :tu
Lovely story, great pics :b

The first four reminded me of my girls when they have found something on Amazon that they want.

Must have taken an absolute age to get the look so perfect. the arms, the fingers, the angle of the head..... Yopu've taken to this like a duck to water haven't you :b

Of course, you can't control the cat so easily :21 The look on the cats face... First the tail... then the look of disgust that your attentions are elsewhere... Then the cat flap swinging like saloon doors :21

Really enjoyed the story,

All the best,

Shamus. :tu
Yes the cats name is Yoyo. She is always giving Kimberley sideward glances. She walks on her face too so I have to cover with blanks when not around. But she always snuggles next to her in the bed when I'm out, I think the presence of her is enough to attract.

However she wont sit on her lap or anything, I think because of the cold skin. In summer she may though to help keep cool?
Well done, the poses with her arms around you and getting her head to look in the right place must've taken a lot of effort, trial and error to set up :tu
It was hard to do, but easier than I imagined. I imagined her falling or some other such horror, but it seemed to go well.

Hard part was keeping her hair looking nice, combing someone behind you from a seated position must of looked comical. Then moving her head about was very difficult to get in right position, its quite stiff and I just had the mac cam screen to judge it.

Hands were relatively easy to straighten, but wired fingers will never look real enough. Especially with a broken finger that needs more attention. But I think it looks OKish.
Thanks for the comments folks. I already have ideas for some photos coming soon. Really getting into the photo side of it.

However for now, I need to get that editing done!

Dam she is behind me!
Ah yes, she's given you the old "Stand em up, then knock em down"....

But your own fault really, As has been dais, then they come a callin' just give them the attention :D
