

Golden Diamond Member
i see the uploader is still not working. i for one would be very willing to pay a subscription to a new host if it meant the resizer/uploader worked. ggrrrrr!
Probably me, i just uploaded 42 photos, i did have to resize 4 of them tho but the rest went through fine. :confused:
I'm having the picture uploading problem today.

I've tried various pictures both resized and not, using different browsers, different OS and different machines. But am getting the same problem each time.

The only clue is that the latest chrome for android responds slightly differently and states that there 'is a missing security token' in its failure message.

This is a new one on me too, I've not seen this same issue anywhere else before, it worked fine for me yesterday but not on mine or the girls accounts today.

Just uploaded a 1.7mb 1826 x 2756 pixel pic which was resized automatically by the site. You may have just hit a blip on here, as long as the old probs not reoccurring.
1078 x 1368 911 kb no problem but didn't like the bigger pic.

Mods don't have extra uploading power as far as I'm aware, just able to move threads / keep things running smoothly.:whistle:
1078 x 1368 911 kb no problem but didn't like the bigger pic.

Thanks for checking. It may just be my end then. I'll try again later.

Mods don't have extra uploading power as far as I'm aware, just able to move threads / keep things running smoothly.
Admins, super mods and mods are in different permission groups from normal users. They have different security settings. I thought the "Security Token" error message I was seeing may be related to permission levels. By having Juliet do the check you eliminated that possibility. :)

I don't know where the problem on your uploading stems from but for me, it's either the pic pops up for saving or the 'failure' message. I can't place where the security token message comes in :confused:. Maybe Sam will shed light on it later.
The security token falure message only occurs in one specific instance. When I tried using the uploader on the latest Google chrome browser on an android tablet running V4.
In all other cases it just came up wth a standard failure message.
No probs though I'll try it from home when I get there. Hopefully with more success.
Thanks for trying though.

Im sorry i can't help, i have no issues with uploading for a while now, not that i have anything new to upload. :( however just tryied a big phot file of Nat and had no problems. :confused:
Whenever I upload to an album, it says the pics must be 600X 600 Pixels (maximum).

I use something called "Image Resizer" based on a Microsoft "Powertoy" add-on for Windows XP. This new one is safe and was re-written to work on newer versions of windows. Simply go to the site below download it (and virus check first, just to be safe), then once you install it, you can resize any picture (or group of pictures) from a right click in Windows explorer:

This is what I've been using for ages and I've had no troubles with uploads. Let me know if you need more advice on this tool.
Im sorry i can't help, i have no issues with uploading for a while now, not that i have anything new to upload. :( however just tryied a big phot file of Nat and had no problems. :confused:
No worries Sam, it works fine now that I'm at home. :)

Sentinal said:
Whenever I upload to an album, it says the pics must be 600X 600 Pixels (maximum).
Thanks Sentinal, these pictures had already been cropped, resized and edited, I prefer to do it that way as it generally provides better results than using the forum's resizer. The tool you mention is a good option for straightforward resizing.

Thanks all.

The problem was nothing to do with the forum but was with the ISP at the location where I was originally trying to upload the pics. They seem to have blocked file transfer to this site and some others. :mad: :evil:

Cyber Cafe :whistle: Some work places and cafes I gather have certain types of sites blocked (parential control).
Cyber Cafe :whistle: Some work places and cafes I gather have certain types of sites blocked (parential control).
Never used one, I have all the kit I need with me wherever I go so that I can remote in to servers etc.

The wifi ISP at that location has got blocks on though, but they didn't tell us that. :mad:
