Gold Star Nomination - Lulu

After Dark

Platinum coloured Poppet & Pigeon
I nominate Lulu for a Gold Star for the tremendous effort she puts in to her picture contributions to the forum, for being a promoter of male doll photography and male dolls and being a lively, positive and friendly contributer to forum life. Her recent stories and pictures have gone that extra mile.
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I totally agree, having seen the time and effort Lulu put into her threads for the site, it goes without question.

I think the Gold Star is now on Lulu's account.:tu
Wow! I hardly know what to say. What an honour!

Thanks so much, AD, for the nomination, and to all of you seconding, thirding, etc and applauding. I'm over the moon. It means a lot to know I'm appreciated here. :D
Congrats , it is always fun to sit back and watch someone grow and learn new found skills and then apply them. Heres to many more great pics in the future.:b
The only surprise here is that it's taken so long. Thanks Lulu, you make me smile almost every week and I'm a right miserable old Git.
Congrats , it is always fun to sit back and watch someone grow and learn new found skills and then apply them. Heres to many more great pics in the future.:b

Thanks, Slayers, I'll be working on some more pics as soon as I recover from the Meet :D

Congrats 🎉🍾🎈 Lulu!

Thank you, dollface :D

The only surprise here is that it's taken so long. Thanks Lulu, you make me smile almost every week and I'm a right miserable old Git.

Thanks, Ava, that means a lot. And Rachel still loves her spider choker :D
And a big WOW! Because every time I post something now there's a big gold star underneath and I get a rush of honoured awe all over again :D