Penny Diabollockle


Part of the Furniture
Staff member



An Earlock Holmes Caper


Pinky as Penny Diabollockle
Cindy as Cindy
Jess as a Damsel in Distress
Norris as an Idiot

Barry Narna as the Super Grass
Various Soft Toys doing stuff


Some poor Schlepp in a car

One of your best yet, poor froggie clown and meercats to boot :b:b:b:b:b

I've got some spare meds if you ever need some....................I do worry at times :cool: but never the less........... encore encore :drink:drink
Wow, another brilliant production!!!:b:b It must have taken some time to put together. How do you think them up?:confused:
Terrific story as always, Karrot and beautifully shot. Loving the return of the methane-powered skatemobiles and the girls ham acting.
Great story Karrot. :tu You made a very clean transformation work in some pictures. :b

I like this picture, a blond Lara Croft? :drool

:21 :24 :21

Well done for stopping that fiendishly evil but squeezily huggable Ms Diabollockle. :b

As a reward for saving us all, these little fellahs would like to sing you a narna song.


Excellent stuff, you made me laugh out loud:D:b:b:b

Much time required in a thread of this calibre, planning, story writing, Evil diabollockle machine manufacturing, photography, effects and speech bubbles....allowing the time to giggle incessantly throughout:p:D

Well done, our Karrot!
:21 :24 :21

Well done for stopping that fiendishly evil but squeezily huggable Ms Diabollockle. :b

As a reward for saving us all, these little fellahs would like to sing you a narna song.



Well, I can honestly say that I have never seen/heard anything quite like this!!:24
Brilliant story Karrot, it had me in stitches. :tu:tu:b:b:21:21

Good to see that Ms Diabollockle's nefarious plans were thwarted by Holmes and his assistants. He couldn't really have her muscling in on his narna monopoly though, could he? :D
Loved this one Karrot. Great story, very funny - especially the lads - and so much work in it - I commend you and all the stars and production staff.
Penny Evil ??? Still reckon she was fine until some "Evil Doctor" carried out experiments on her!
Teddy babes usually don't have it in them to be really evil but, oh those eyes of Cindy - incredible and full of mischief!