The Adventures of Arachne Baenre

Bastet's Punishment
Part 3

Elsewhere in the house I heard the commotion and came running. “Arachne? Bastet? What’s going- Oh,” I said as I saw Bastet on the floor and quickly realized what the thud I’d heard was.

“Arachne! You can’t do that to her! I know you’re mad, but I promised to use her body to create a miniature version of you! I know you don’t believe I am capable of such magic, but I definitely can’t bring the body back from the dead! If you injure her in a way that doesn’t heal then the mini-you will probably be stuck with that same injury too!”

“Do you question how I treat my servants?” Arachne thundered, her voice large and commanding compared to her size.

“No. No! Of course not! I simply don’t want you to do something you regret later!” I explained, realizing I was risking finding myself at the receiving end of the drow’s rage as well. I knew she wasn’t scared to physically punish me.

Arachne glared at me fiercely. I stayed quiet so I didn’t invoke her wrath further.

On the floor, Bastet stirred. She wasn’t dead, just dazed.
Bastet's Punishment
Part 4

Arachne looked down on Bastet. “I should sacrifice you to Lolth! And perhaps some day I still will should Agent be unsuccessful. In the meantime, imprisonment. It’s far better than you deserve…Wanre! Go fetch a containment device. NOW!”

I ran off to find something. Something that could actually hold a small goddess avatar. Cardboard box? No, a regular cat could escape that. Plastic bin? No… In the kitchen I found something, but Bastet wasn’t going to enjoy it. Cats are liquid, right? She’d be okay.

“Here you go, Arachne. It’s the best I could find quickly. Maybe tomorrow we could go out and pick up a cat carrier?”

Arachne took the jar. “No, no… This is perfect. It looks uncomfortable.”

“Oh, maybe take the seal off so some air can get in through the crack,” I pointed out.

“Oh Wanre… You are too soft. She will just have to learn to sit calmly and conserve her air, won’t she? Com here, Bastet. Welcome to your new home.” She held the jar in her lap, looking at Bastet expectantly.

Slowly, Bastet accepted her fate and got into the jar. Once she was in Arachne closed the lid and latched it. “Use this time to think about your failures and how you can serve me better in the future, should you wish to have one. My wanre’s promises may have saved you today, but it may not in the future…” she warned, holding up the jar to inspect her prisoner.

OOC: That's the end for now! Thanks for reading everyone!
Just saying, but Im not sure its that bad of a punishment....


Just saying, but Im not sure its that bad of a punishment....



Shhhhh! Don't let Arachne find that out or she's going to make me construct a little rack or something to put Bastet on! That is what I mean by cats being liquid! :D
The Christmas Gift

“Arachne! One of your admirers sent you a gift! Come try it on!”

“Hmm. Very nice. This material is very soft! But what are these things on the front? You keep looking at them.”

“What? Oh! The pompoms! Yes, they’re just decoration. And so soft!”

“Hey, sit down for a moment. It’s Christmas and it’s traditional to get something for the people you care about. I got you a little something, Arachne. Here.”

“...It’s a little box.”

“Open it!”

“Hmm… What have we here?”

“It’s a knife!”

“And a sheath for it! It’ll strap to your thigh! Let me help you put it on!”

“It’s perfect! It’s just what I wanted! I’m sure you realize I didn’t get you anything.”

“Can I have a promise that you won’t stab me with that?”

Arachne considered this for a moment. “Okay. At least for a few days.”

OOC: Outfit courtesy of David Beterlove for participating in his photo challenges on Twitter!
Arachne looks genuinely surprised to have received that knife as a present! Great costume too - it's a nice prize to get from a photo competition!

I was tempted to get the girls some proper Christmas outfits, but they had to settle just for hats this year! :21 Nymeria does look quite good in a fluffy Christmas hat though...

At least Arachne's outfit looks to have a bell around her neck - you might hear her coming when she decides to break her word and try out her new hardware ..
Arachne looks genuinely surprised to have received that knife as a present! Great costume too - it's a nice prize to get from a photo competition!

I was tempted to get the girls some proper Christmas outfits, but they had to settle just for hats this year! :21 Nymeria does look quite good in a fluffy Christmas hat though...

At least Arachne's outfit looks to have a bell around her neck - you might hear her coming when she decides to break her word and try out her new hardware ..

I think she was mostly surprised that I'd arm her. Frankly, I'm just tired of the good knifes in the kitchen going 'missing.' Hopefully they'll be there when I need them now!

Yeah! I was pretty pleased with it. the dress, arm things (I have no idea what to call those) and the choker are part of it. It also came with panties and (kind of oddly) bunny ears. The white hose was my idea and I think it works really well. I should have gone out earlier to get a matching hat since I knew it was coming, but I hate shopping in December. I'll get one next year and complete the set. I'm sure I'll pull it out again next year!

No... Her dex score is way too high. Shadows make more noise when she's trying to be stealthy! I'm still injury free! She hasn't even threatened me with it yet! I'm an obedient wanre. :D

Thanks for stopping by, guys! I'm planning to post the next story piece this weekend. The True North Clan is getting bigger...
Aldrea's Arrival
Part 1

“The birds sing of another member of the clan coming to join us,” explained Aneka. “The great Aldrea, in fact. Her combat prowess is well known.”

“Aldrea? The Aldrea? The wielder of Moon’s Glow? She’s a legend!” exclaimed Glissa. “I’ve always wanted to meet her,” she added softly.

“I’ve heard she’s got a bit of an ego,” commented Evey.

“I’ve met her. She does, but it isn’t unjustified,” replied Saffee. “I just hope it doesn’t get her in trouble. I’ve heard stories of her getting in over her head due to her belief that she cannot be defeated.” She chuckled. “Hopefully she isn’t crazy enough to believe that she can defeat the drow single handedly.”

“I hope she comes by soon. The noise of the TV will easily cover her entrance,” Aneka pointed out.

As if on cue, the audio upstairs cut out and the voice of the angry drow replaced it. “Who are you to dare to disturb me!?”

The members of the True North Clan all shared a look. “Isn’t the human at work?”

“Yep. I saw him drive away.”

“Oh no.”
Aldrea's Arrival
Part 2

“I am Aldrea of the True North Clan, wielder of Moon’s Glow! Your reign of terror is over, drow. Surrender or stand and fight me!”

“Who?” asked Arachne, annoyed at the inconvenience. “Fine. Let’s get this over with. I want to get back to my show.” Reluctantly, she pushed herself up and off the couch. With little ceremony, she swung her foot and kicked Aldrea hard in the stomach.

Aldrea was not expecting such an unconventional type of attack and flew backwards through the air. Her arch sent her over the TV where her head connected solidly with the shelf above. Limply, she crumpled and fell behind the screen. She hit the top of the shelf with a thud, then slipped off the back where she fell out of sight.

“Let me know when you want to surrender,” Arachne called out.


“...Hello?” Arachne signed. “Whatever. Wanre can fish the body out when he gets home from work. She won’t be smelling up the place by then. Oh… What’s this?” Arachne reached down and picked up a little helmet that had flown from Aldrea’s head when she was kicked. “Huh.”

With the trinket in hand she flopped back onto the couch and continued with her show.

Aldrea's Arrival
Part 3

Meanwhile, Aneka sprinted up the stairs as fast as she could, the lithe elf being faster than the others. She peered into the living room but was unable to see much from the vantage point. She had feared this but it was quicker than going through the vents. What she did know was the encounter was over. Oh no…

The clan was at least a little relieved to find Aldrea’s still form behind the TV stand, right at the entrance to the cold air vent that they emerged from. Without having to face Arachne themselves they were able to get Aldrea back to the basement to care for her.

Aldrea regained consciousness to see members of the clan around her. She blinked a few times, her vision hazy.

“...Aldrea? Are you okay?” asked Glissa who was clutching one of her pauldrons in her hands.

Aldrea groaned. “My head… It hurts really bad. And my stomach.” She started to reach for her head but Saffee stopped her.

“Take it easy. You hit your head on something, but you’ll be okay. Just lay back and rest. You’re safe here. Aneka is scouting the drow’s movements. So long as she doesn’t come with a warning we’re safe. It’s rare that she comes to the basement, especially when she’s here alone."

“Can you tell us what happened up there?” asked Evey. “We heard some of it, but how did you end up behind the TV?” It was the one thing that confused them. How did she end up back there?

“I challenged the drow and she accepted, but instead of fighting me, she just… Kicked me! No honor!”

“Calm down. Just take it easy,” urged Saffee.

“I’m sorry to say, I’m not sure what you expected her to do. In truth, we have not tried to fight her ourselves. She is much larger than us and I’m not sure what we could do against her. We know you are a skilled warrior, but…” Evey wasn’t really sure how to put that gently. “...So, she kicked you behind the TV?”

Aldrea sighed. “Over it, I think. It happened so fast. I remember flying through the air, then I woke up here.” Suddenly she jerked upright faster than any of them could stop her. “Moon’s Glow! Where is my weapon?” she demanded, looking around quickly for her prized possession.

“It’s right here! It’s okay!” urged Saffee.

“We found one of your pauldrons, too,” said Glissa. “We’ll get it fixed up for you.”

Once Aldrea saw the weapon she did calm down a little. She went quiet as she thought about what had happened. “I haven’t lost a fight in a very long time… Not since I was young and still in training. My skills have made me brave and my armor has protected me from harm.” A slow realization came over her. “My helmet! Did you find that too?” Surely her head only hurt because her helmet had fallen off and was not there to protect her.

Saffee, Glissa, and Evey looked at each other. “No… We never saw it,” replied Glissa. “I’ll find it for you. I promise,” she vowed, turning to go and look right away.

OOC: Hit the image limit! Next post coming in a moment.
Aldrea's Arrival
Part 3 Continued

“Glissa, no!” urged Saffee, getting in front of her. “We have to conclude that it’s in the living room. Maybe the drow has it, maybe she doesn’t. That’s what we don’t know, but I think we all know how it will turn out for you if you try and take it from her, or from in front of her. We wait. Once she has left the main floor and gone upstairs, or leaves, or something, we will do a sweep and try to find it. You will not risk yourself for a helmet, no matter who’s it is. Do you understand?” Her words were stern, but not angry.

Glissa nodded slowly. “I understand, Saffee.”

The Driftdisc

“Arachne! Arachne! Arachne! I got you something!” I called out excitedly as I raced up the stairs towards the bedroom as quickly as I could.

“What!?” she replied, a hint of annoyance and alarm at being interrupted so loudly.

“It’s a driftdisc!”

The bewildered drow looked at the seat with wheels on it, then back at me. “What?”

“A driftdisc! You know-”

“Yes, yes. A floating disk for wealthy and important drow to float about the streets of Menzoberranzan while accompanied by their entourage. I’ve escorted my fair share. But that is neither floating nor a disc. Explain.”

I nodded eagerly. “Humans don’t have magic, right? So here is my equivalent! Please, have a seat!” I offered her my hand for balance as she got into the chair. She ignored it. “Now hold your feet up!” When she did I folded down the foot supports.

“Not bad… Comfortable. How do I control it?” she enquired.

“Voice commands!”

Arachne looked at me for a moment, not really believing me. “Okay, driftdisc? Take me down the hall.”

Eagerly, I grabbed the handles and pushed her through the door. “See? Now you can ride in stately comfort anywhere we go with your faithful wanre to escort you!”

She groaned a little at my antics, but I’m fairly certain that she was impressed.
Veyronna's Arrival
Part 1

Veyronna stared into the shiny surface of her scrying sphere. The images she was seeing were… Concerning to say the least. Her clan was in trouble and she believed she could help.

First, she needed to do some studying. Drow were not from this realm, but that didn’t mean that knowledge of them didn’t exist. Luckily, -somehow- humans did have knowledge and it was fairly readily available.

Once she felt she was ready she made the journey through the cold Canadian climate to where her clan was slowly gathering en masse. Her magic made entry into the house fairly easy and soon she had joined her clan in the basement.

“Veyronna! It’s so good to see you! Welcome!” greeted Evey.

“Merry meet, Evey. I believe I can be of help to you here. I came as quick as I could.” The mage’s eyes swept across the faces of the other elves present giving each of them a greeting in turn. “Saffee, it is good to see you again. Akena, well met. Glissa… Most interesting. I would like a word with you in private at some point. Aldrea…” She added nothing more to the warrior, her name just hanging in the air as she gave her a stern look.

“Um, how do you believe you can help?” asked Saffee, breaking the awkward silence.

“Hmm? Oh, why, this here.” She reached to her belt and pulled out a purple wand. “It’s a powerful wand capable of implanting ideas into the minds of others.”
