New to UKLDF


Gold Member
I created this account almost 2 years ago, but never posted for some reason.

I'm quite active on TDF, so some of you might know me from there. I have 3 dolls - Tomoe and Claire are both DS doll 167s. I also have Natsumi, my Sinodoll 152. I take quite a lot of photos of my girls and sometimes make animated gif images as well. They cosplay quite a lot too - actually I'm working on a suit of futuristic looking armour for Tomoe at the moment that I hope will come out well!

I don't know if I can post photos as a newbie? I had a look, but the file size limit is pretty small? I'll work it out.
:welcome Yes, I know you from TDF and it would be great to see your girls here :)

Can't recall, but it may be that you can post photos after 5 posts, but I am sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

File size limit is 250Kb/1024 pixels for uploads (you can also use Imgbb of course). I thought there was a limit with TDF, but there doesn't appear to be.

Have a nice Easter Sunday :)

Best wishes

Hi Willendorph, and a big :welcome to posting on the UK forum.

I am glad you are joining us here and look forward to seeing your doll photos and the animated gif images.

You should be able to post photos straight away on this forum, just check your settings are not set to private.

I personally use Imgbb myself, but that's just a personal choice, It allows me to post photos quickly from various devices, onto several forums.

We also have started a monthly photo competition here a few months back, feel free to enter.


Welcome to the UKLDF Willendorph.

I was posting pics here using the albums but recently switched to Imgbb. Looking forwards to seeing pics of your girls.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I think I can attach photos, but that file size limit is crazy small! I'll see how well I can resize things to fit or look at Imgbb to see what I can manage. An introduction without pictures is pretty lame!
Hi Willendorph,

a far better approach than attaching images is to create an album and upload your images into that.

Once uploaded then click on the image, copy the link, paste it into the post and wallah, posted in the body of the message rather than as an attachment.

Just be careful with your albums as moving an image deletes it from the thread and we cannot go back and fix our own old messages.

Alternatively as you say there is IMGbb which I find much easier than the albums. BB Medium Linked seesm to be the optimal size for posting on the site.

Welcome to the forum.

Welcome !

Here are the imgbb instructions I got from a post here on ukldf :

1. Click "start uploading" usually a blue tab

2. Select an image saved on your computer.

3. Click "Upload" that's usually a green tab

4. Choose "BBCode full linked" from the drop down menu in the upper box.

5. Click the link provided in the lower box. This should highlight the link.

6. Click on 'copy' in the top right corner of the lower box.

7. Then paste the link into the post you've created on the forum.

The above instructions are assuming you are a guest on imgbb, and to start with that is better.

Once a signed in user on Imgbb, I found 'BBCode full linked' produce very large photos on the forum and selected 'BBCode medium linked' in most cases instead

Hope that helps :)
Ok. I've tried it, we'll see how these links go...

A few random images from the past. This is kind of a test to see what happens!



Natsumi (should be a Gif, so we'll see what happens)
Edit - you have to click on the photo and follow the link to view the animation!


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When using imgbb to host a gif file,
you need to select 'full linked',
I don't know if this is available for guest.
Sign up to imgbb and you will get more options, it is free.:cool:

Lovely photo btw :b of your very nice dolls.

Welcome to the forum. You have some lovely looking ladies (∩˃o˂∩)♡

I look forward to seeing more!

I thought I knew the name! Welcome to this side of the pond :D

Nice to have some more DS girls here too

Wow, I can't believe I got so many replies! I need to start hanging out on here more often :tu

I'm also surprised so many people are on here. I'm from the UK anyway, so I'm not sure what took me so long!

I forgot to mention Nym as well - my Smart Doll (1/3 BJD)

I thought I knew the name! Welcome to this side of the pond :D

Nice to have some more DS girls here too


It's quite an honour actually. When I first got Tomoe just over 2 years ago, I read all of Xiaoli's threads on TDF. I remember really wanting the type of relationship you had with Xiaoli with my Tomoe when she arrived. It was a big inspiration! :b


Nah, can't be. There's not a bottle of Alcohol anywhere in sight :21:24

Lol. Nym's got a mate on here already. Plus, we couldn't help noticing the ears.

You're going to love it over hear Willendorph... You don't want to get going back to TDF... We've got cookies :D
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It's quite an honour actually. When I first got Tomoe just over 2 years ago, I read all of Xiaoli's threads on TDF. I remember really wanting the type of relationship you had with Xiaoli with my Tomoe when she arrived. It was a big inspiration! :b

Then it is Xiaoli and I who are honoured :D

We stopped posting over there a while back, but she's had a continuing presence here.

You guys have cookies too? Maybe I can avoid going shopping now. Gotta stay healthy and protect the NHS you know. Plus it's getting a too bit post apocalyptic out there for my liking :24