Show us your frillies.

Ava Love

Gold Excellence Member
Bras, panties, suspender belts, basques, bodies, you name it. All are welcome here.

I'll get the ball rolling with the latest addition to the household Celeste.

Given that well over 75% of Kim's thread is lingerie erotica and you are going to see a bloody hell of a lot
of Caz in frillies in the months to come, there's no way in Hell I can post everything they've done LOL

So ... a few choice samples it is then!

"Come sit with me (you may reorder that sentence appropriately)"


Cuddlies (and a couple of cats!)

"Oh, hi!"

"They say legs are a bigger turn-on than boobs; but what do I know, I'm 'just a dumb blonde'!"

Queen of the Night

"Bloody cat!!"

Blondes in pink saucies - never fails!

Ass of the Kimber

"Hope you're ready to join me!"

White satin and seamed stockings ... mmm!

My sweetie

And that is less than half of a blanket box of lacy underthings I have yet to put on these two ... watch this space!
i tried but the forum software removed it :D:D:D:D

i will have to try again but with the girls in their frillies :21:21
i tried but the forum software removed it ....i will have to try again but with the girls in their frillies

Yeah, note to Ava, next time specify "your girls in their frillies" not "...all welcome"

But lovely girls all. And some nice posing.
Alas, there is no way Rachel will consent to wearing frillies, but I'm enjoying looking at everyone else's :tu