Patchlings Roadside Pantry


Part of the Furniture
Staff member



The Patchlings in

Patchlings Roadside Pantry

:24:24 HILARIOUS:24:24

All sounds very innocent to me, and delicious:drool:drool:drool

Well done, girls, I do wish I was at your cafe to hear the orders go in:21:rolleyes::21
I'lll have the drippin honeypot twice :21 Monsieur K, I've some good meds if ever yuo need them. Oh how superb..... :21
Great stuff.

Oh! They look so real! I believe in your girls. Great stuff and Cindy ... oh her eyes just get to me. I take it you will be eating at their cafe?
:24 :21 :b


That Cindy just does her own thing regardless of what the other girls are up to,
I'd call her a free spirit, defiantly not a doofus.
I'm gonna be adventurous and try one of everything that's on the menu, yum, yum.
Hmmm: "All dishes served with Cindy's Massive Burps".







Oh, "Baps"!! :drool

Oh, okay, now.
Well, I can just see her serving up some really massive burps as well. :p
These are great pictures Karrot - I'm amazed at how cooperative the Patchlings are. I'm sure if it was me, I'd get them all set up and then one would fall over. I'd just get her sorted out and then another would topple. Then I'd bump the table and send them all tumbling. And then step on Cindy's quad bike as I helped everyone up, leading to tamtrums and general malaise all around.

Anyway, they all look gorgeous, but somehow this is a really good set of Cindy. She just seems so... well, Cindy in them.

Huh! You mens! All one tracked minds! Patchlings make up nice names for food items and all yous can be thinking is rude rude things! I sure your nice ladies never have thought of such ideas! Mr Karrot - how you like if we mention tiny pork chipolata hey?