Anniversary suprise?


Golden Diamond Member
Anniversary surprise A short romantic play by Philinotstine He was a tired and world-weary Brit on the wrong side of 50 who'd moved from Yorkshire to the Channel Islands. She was a beautiful thirty-something babe from California, a real doll! They met a year ago and she moved in with him in Jersey. That's the original Jersey, the island not New Jersey.It was love at first sight. He wanted to show his love for her so he planned a surprise candlelit dinner for their first anniversary. But he also had another suprise.


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Say, honey I know you asked me to put on a nice dress but you sure do scrub up well, too. I didnt even know you had a suit. I dont always wear work gear, jeans and t-shirt you know (well actually I do. So come on then whats the deal? What you been so cagey about all day?

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Oh,WoW! It looks beautiful! Did you do all this? yourself?
Well who else? Happy anniversary my love.


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Oh, Phili... Happy aniversary to you ,too my sweet. I thought you,d forgotten.


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What about the "many years together bit? Dont you want that?
Of course I do, silly. I love you so much!


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Thank goodness for that cos, well, I have another little suprise...
Gasp! Oh my God!...


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You are one lucky man! Looks like you had a great anniversary. Cool.

Keyboard hint...When you've finished typing press enter a couple of times before inserting the pic then the pic will be below the text.

Hope you don't mind helpful hints from a Lancashire being from Yorkshire and all. By the way, The four Yorkshire-men by Monty Python is very funny, obviously highly exaggerated but highly amusing....Eeeee, when I were a lad all we could manage was the price of a cup of tea...a cup of cold tea...with no milk or sugar...or tea. LOL

Oops, looks like you don't need my hint after all.
...So will you do me the honour of being my wife?
Ohhh,, oh my God! Yes. YES!!! Of course I will. I.... does this mean were engaged?
Haha of course it does. What am I thinking? Oh I'm so happy...


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I just thought of one little thing....
Whats that, honey?
When were married I'll be Prissinotstine!


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Maybe we can work on that!

...And so the curtain closes as our newly engaged couple celebrate intimately. Very intimately. The Californian golden girl and the crusty old "Yorkie" ex-pat settled down to a life off bliss with their live-in friend a tall, sultry redhead named Jessica. But thats another story...........

Well I hope you romantics out there enjoyed my little play (especially K an K- you know who you are and for those of you who thought it a bit cheesy. there's always Philinotstines wilder nature in Jessicas hotspot on Mr. Gibmodoll, your patrons excellent Uk Lovedoll forum. Thank you and goodnight.


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Cheers Wulfie and Dollman and Revol, thanks for the tip and i know the war of the roses is a very long time gone but a lancastrian shouldnt take the piss out of one yorkshireman let alone four! Only joking...Great sketch . we even did a much exxagerated version of it on here a while back. Thanks again, mate.
Thank you Gibbmodoll. Great to get the thumbs up from you, boss. and cheers for the applause (Pris n meself take a bow.).
Gives you a warm feeling.

Lovely pics and romantic story Phil. Well done for taking the plunge and making your union official. Kat is well impressed. Pris is a a lovely girl with incredible eyes. My best wishes for you both.