Lily and the Rainbow Pool


Gold Excellence Member

“Hey there, Cosy!” Lily exclaimed happily from beneath her towel of wet hair.
“Are we ready to go yet?”
“Well,” explained Cosy, “I have to go pick up the bike from the garage, then come back here and pack everything. So, why not wait here until we get back?”
“Okay!” Lily nodded brightly.

As Cosy went off to get the Harley, Lily perused the bookshelves.
“” she hummed to herself as she picked her way across the shelf.
After stowing away in Cosy’s backpack, it had taken her a little while to talk him round into letting her join in on the road trip.
“Boys only!” Cosy had growled.

“Awwww….” Lily had pouted, “Oh please oh please oh pleeaaaaase…”
And, finally, of course, Cosy had ended up relenting.

As it was, Lily had made a new friend in San Francisco. Amanda had come to stay at E-Dog’s house, and she and Lily hit it off famously!
Lily and Amanda spent the morning looking out, down the steep hill and into the Bay.
“Ooh, a big container ship!” Amanda spied, delightedly.
It chugged its way towards the big grey Bay Bridge, and the docks in Oakland…

But it wasn’t the chugging sound of the container ship they heard: it was Cosy and E-Dog and A-D rumbling up the hill towards the house.
“Weeee!” Lily scampered off to grab her backpack.
“See you in a few days, Amanda!”

“Okay! You guys have fun!” Amanda waved from the window.
And with that, they were off!

It was a long ride out East, especially for Lily, all safe and snug in the side paniers. In fact, it was already dark when they finally arrived at the edge of Yosemite Park.

However, the next morning, Lily had a chance to wander around the lovely motor lodge they had found the previous night…

“Mmm…” Lily sighed, as she let the tranquil sounds of the wilderness wash over her.

Soon the boys would be back from breakfast, and she would be stuffed back in the bag!

But she didn’t want to miss out on all the lovely sights and smells of the countryside, so she sat and slowly drank them in!

But before long, Cosy and E-Dog and A-D were back from their espressos and map-reading in town.

“Halloo!” Lily waved as they thundered back to the lodge.

“Hey, Cosy!” Lily beamed as she jumped onto the back seat of the Harley.

“There’s loads of room on the back here!”
“Well, yes, I know.” Cosy frowned. “A little too much room at the back, with nothing to hold onto! I don’t want you falling off, that’s all.”
In truth, he had asked the motorcycle rental place, but they had no crash helmets in Lily’s size, and certainly no doll-sized seats!
“No problem.” Lily cried. “Look! You can tuck me into the top of your rucksack!”

And it was true, she fitted quite snugly in there.

The kindly motel owner had told them about a nice pool about an hour down the road, with a waterfall and everything, and so - after gathering up all their belongings and fitting them back into the panniers, and fitting Lily into the front compartment of the rucksack, the gang made their way over there.


And what a lovely pool it turned out to be!


Lily splashed her feet in the cold, fresh water, while Cosy summoned up the courage to jump into the deep, freezing centre of the pool!


“Yay!” Lily shouted. “Well done, Cosy!”
“… brrrrr….” Cosy shivered. “oh boy! Let’s do it again!”

“Try the higher jump!” Lily cooed - for she was the adventurous type.
“Ermmm… okay!” Cosy mumbled, and wandered off to climb the big hanging rock.

“Tum-ti-tum…” Lily lay on the rocks and enjoyed the warm California sun, while Cosy ummed and ahhed at the top of the cliff…
but finally he jumped….

…and landed with an even bigger….
… in the water!


E-Dog and A-D might have been big bad bikers on the road, but when it came to the water, they were teeny tiny scaredy-cats !
They paddled around the edges, insisting they needed to “keep Lily company”, and “keep their hair dry” and all sorts of nonsense.

But eventually Cosy tired himself out jumping into the Rainbow Pool and swimming back to shore in order to jump in again.

And - after they had all rested and allowed their wet clothes to dry out in the sun - they set off down the road to find even more adventures…

:bgreat story cozy. nice bike to.:happy

i never realized that Lilly was so little. or may be the bike is just massive.
Oh Lily.

Lily and miss Elisa are heroines to the girls here. We watch every episode of their adventures and even Lady K is rivetted to the screen.
Lovely scenery and great poses; we look forward to any adventures of your little ladies avidly.
Nice to see a Harley upstaged by Lily. Same high standard of pics and narration :tu:b:tu

I won't going to comment on the lack of photographic evidence of a certain person jumping into the freezing cold pool tho :whistle::p
Awww that was a nice story, you just got to love Miss Lily wish i could say the same about that pesky Cosy, I mean visiting Yosemite park and not even looking in on Yosemite Sam. :evil:


I won't going to comment on the lack of photographic evidence of a certain person jumping into the freezing cold pool tho :whistle:

There are pictures of me in mid-flight but obviously they weren't taken by me - I was too busy going "oh shit oh shit oh shiiiiiiit!"

There's not many times in life you get to jump off a 25' waterfall into a natural pool..... or even do the 35' drop, in which the extra second feels like an extended prog rock guitar solo.

Actually, I wish I'd packed Lily's swimming costume - especially after what happened a bit later on in the trip...*tease*... yes yes, which I might bother to type up and sort out photos at some point. :rolleyes:

Thanks all - I hope to get the other chapters out in quick succession now most of the photos are all sorted and sized. After all, we're off again in December :happy
Ah Miss Lily, what an active life you lead! Jess and I love to follow these stories which Cosy tells so well.


Beautiful narrative and photos Cosy. Lilly is just the perfect photographic model, she brings those gorgeous northern Californian locations to life. Can't wait to see the next stage of the trip.
Nice story as always, Cosy. When I read these marvelous photographic tales I feel most honoured to have known Miss Lily, albeit for only a short while. She is so unbelievably photogenic.
Nice story as always, Cosy. When I read these marvelous photographic tales I feel most honoured to have known Miss Lily, albeit for only a short while. She is so unbelievably photogenic.

It was a strange journey for them - but it would have been a shame to split up Miss Eliza and Lily.

Miss Eliza has plenty of adventures of her own. Se is very lovely too but of a different personality to Lily. More serious in her demeanour I would say.
great stuff Cosy!:tu:tu:tu
I missed this one earlier, but I am glad I found it before reading chapter 3.
Excellent photos and story, as always.:b:b:b