Problem joining the forum


Golden Diamond Member
My brother has just messaged me saying he is trying to join the forum but he gets a message saying he cant because of spammers. Ive told him to use the contact us option and this is just to verify he is genuine. Cheers
It's probably the email address he is using. if he has another ask him to try that instead.:)

Adam, I had this when I was using a VPN , doesnt like it and says about spammers. Just decided to lose the VPN and hey presto ! I was allowed to join.
Yep, we use various tools to block spammers but occasionally they block innocent users too. Among these are worldwide 'blacklists' of known usernames, email addresses and IP addresses of previous spammers. If someone is constantly getting blocked it may be due to their choice of username or that they are using a VPN which has got itself blacklisted.

We also manually check every application before granting posting rights.

@Adam&Emma if your brother is still having difficulties PM me the username,
and email address he wants to use and I'll set him up manually with a temporary password which he can change once he gets logged in. :tu

Thanks guys. I had to hit the hay early last night cos of work but i will speak to him today. Cheers
We do not accept applicants who have too similar a name to staff or Forum Owners for obvious reasons too.