Showing photos


Silver Member
When I save a photo in my album here,
then all others are required to log in to see the photo,
and if I post the photo in a thread,
then others can not see the photo when not logged in.

Can this be changed ? :)

If I post a photo in a thread, then it is of course with the intention,
that everyone should be able to see the photo -
not only the members but also the guests/visitors
(very often members checking for new posts :D )



hi MrGrey,

I don't think that setting can be changed, the photos posted from your album here can only be seen by other registered members here who are logged in, it is the same with all the vBulletin forums, not just this one

if you have a doll album or doll hareme account you can post pictures from there & everyone will be able to see them regardless of if they are logged in or even members
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wetsuit said:
... the same with all the Vbulitin forums, not just this one

OK, but I of course hoped, it was an option to change easily :rolleyes:

I will save the photos meant for posts here in albums elsewhere too
and use the externally stored photo in the posts
(unless it is a UKLoveDoll special :D )



Thanks wetsuit, I told MrGrey, he should create an account there
and upload my photos, as looks like a very reliable site :D

We will use from now and on :)

There are of course pros and cons - and there is a myalbum logo on the photos,
but I guess goldmembers will not have the logo shown.



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Regarding photos attached the posts, how do I embed a photo within the post as opposed to having to click on a small thumbnail pic beneath? :confused:
hi slider,

when you want to embed photo's there is an icon on the tool bar of the text box

on the bottom row 5th from the right it looks like a picture of a mountain with a yellow sky, if you click on that a little box will open up

if you copy the url of the picture you want to embed, either from your album here or from an external album, into the box & click ok it will appear on the post

also if you are posting pictures from your album here there is an embedded code that you can just copy & paste directly into the text box & that will put your picture straight into your post