A Knock on the Door


Golden Diamond Member

Casper: Woof woof! Grrr! WOOFWOOFWOOF! GGGRRRRR!

Rachel: What's up with Casper?
Sihtric: He can probably see one of the neighbours.

A sound from outside: Tap tap tap.
Did you hear that? Someone's at the door.
Lulu always says don't open the door if she's out.
It might be important.
It might be a burglar.
A burglar? Come on. What burglar worth his salt is going to knock on the bloody door? Besides, we have a guard dog. What's the point in having a Dobermann and being too scared to answer the door, you pussy?

*whispering* Rach, he's like us.
Um, hello.
Stranger: *silence*
Can we help?
What's your name?
I'm Sihtric. This is Rachel.
You gonna say something?
Maybe you were right and he is a burglar. Or a vagrant. Looks like he's been sleeping in a skip.
Shh. Casper doesn't seem concerned.

I'm sorry about her. She's my sister. She's like that with everybody. Please don't go. It looks like you need help. Is that why you came to us?

Can you talk?
Do you understand English?
Come on in. I can get you something to eat if you want.

Lulu should be home soon. She takes care of Rachel and I. She's amazing. If you're lost or something like that, I'm sure she will help.
*whispering* I hope not.
Shut up, Rachel. Try to be nice.
Well, I'm sure Lulu will be delighted that you're inviting waifs and strays into her house. I've heard her tell those guys on the forum she only has room for two of us.
Don't listen to her. She can be too stroppy for her own good. Even though she's spoiled rotten, gets everything she wants, has Lulu's friends gawking at her...

I didn't get to go partying at Adam's though, did I?
You're still sulking about that? Really?

Lulu! You weren't long.
Yeah, now you're sprung.
Lulu: Who's this?
Vagrant. Sponger.
I don't know if he's lost or homeless or what. He hasn't spoken yet. He's like us.
I can see that.
You're going to get rid of him, of course. Aren't you?
Can he stay? Please?
Of course I'm not going to get rid of him. Let's at least try to find out who he is and where he's from. Sihtric, why don't you let him have a bath and find him something clean to wear?

Come on, you can have a hot bath. You can borrow some of my clothes. We're about the same size.

Don't worry about Rachel. She needs to get over herself. She's lovely, really, but she acts like a brat sometimes. So, you obviously came to us for a reason. Are you going to tell me your name?
*clears throat*
Can you talk?
Yes. My name is, um, Alexandr.
Nice to meet you, Alexandr. Sounds like you're not from England.

*Sniff sniff. Sob. Sniff. SOB SOB*
*whispering* Oh shit.
Alexandr, what's wrong?

*Sob sob. Sniff sniff* No one wants me. I have nowhere to go.

That's not true. You're welcome here. If you haven't got a breather or a family or anything, I know Lulu will help you.
How do you know?
Because she loves us, and she would never turn her back on one like us if they needed help. I'll go and talk to her. When you finish cleaning up, get dressed and come downstairs. It'll be fine, I promise.


His name is Alexandr. I think he's from another country. He has an accent.
Oh, and here I was thinking he was dumb.
Go on, Sihtric.
The only other thing he said is that no one wants him.
I'm not surprised.
Rachel, don't be so mean. He was so upset, Lulu. Can he stay, please? He has nowhere else to go. He looks like he's been sleeping rough and he has a horrible bruise on his face.
Of course he can stay, at least for the moment. Let's see if we can find out what happened to him.
Thank you. I'll tell him.

*thinking* I cannot stay. Rachel does not want me here. This is her home. It would not be fair of me to stay. Just one night on this nice couch.

Thank you, Lulu.
What for?
Letting Alexandr stay. I feel so sorry for him.
I do too. Perhaps he'll tell us tomorrow about what happened to him.
I hope so.
Goodnight, my love.


He's gone.
How can you be so cruel? He has no one. What would you have done when you arrived, if Lulu opened your box, took one look at you and said, "Hm, I don't like the look of her. I've changed my mind." And then Adam said, "Well, I don't want her, I've got enough girls." You'd either end up in the For Sale section on the forum, or sleeping on a park bench!
I'm sorry. I didn't think about it like that.
We have to find him.
I'll help.
You will?
Yes. The laptop. Was it open when you came in here? Maybe he left some clue to where he's gone.
Good thinking.

Look, he must have written this.
Oh, shit.
This is so sad.

Dear Sihtric, Rachel and Lulu. Thank you for allowing me to stay in your home last night. I am sorry I could not tell you anything about myself. I was afraid. If I talked you may have recognised my accent and I know that the main breather in my country is very much hated and feared.

I am from Russia. I told Sihtric my name is Alexandr, but my first breather called me Sasha, which is a shortened version of that name. He was called Ivan. He was a sweet guy of about thirty years and he was very shy and innocent. He was bullied and threatened when someone found out he was gay, so he was afraid to talk to other breathers and try to meet someone like him. He decided to get me for a companion. He cuddled and kissed me and held my hand. He took care of me and said he loved me. But then the war started. He was forced to go and be a soldier and he thought he may never come back, so he decided to send me to a new home. We had to say goodbye.

Ivan: Proshchay moya lyubov. (Farewell my love)
Oh my God, this is heartbreaking.

I was sold on the Internet and sent away in a box. Ivan gave me a blanket to keep me warm. I was in the box for a long time and I kept hearing the words "Border Force." My new home was here in England with a man who took photographs for his job. Two girl dolls and I had to pose for many photographs every day, in lots of different outfits. At night they went into another room and slept together, but I had to stay in the studio with all the equipment.

Eventually, the man decided to sell me. He made me get in my box and I heard him saying to the girls that he would advertise me as a female so he would get a quick sale. The girls were laughing.
Poor Sasha.

The man who bought me was furious when he opened my box.
Angry man: What the fuck? The advert said it was a girl! That scheming bastard on that website!

No way! He hit him?

The man did not want the bother of trying to sell me again. He put my box out with the bins to be taken away by the garbage truck.
Rachel, are you crying?

I managed to get away before the truck came. I slept in a park that night. Well, I did not sleep much. I thought about what I could do. I had to find someone who may want a male doll. I found an Internet Cafe and found a forum where a woman (Lulu) kept writing about you, Sihtric. I thought if I could find you, perhaps I could get help to find someone who might want me.
Smart guy.

Lulu had comments on her forum page with a friend about how they went to a motorbike venue and it mentioned the city where they came from. I looked it up and I tried to get there. I had no money and I had to try to hide from humans, so I stowed away in the back of trucks to get a ride. I was almost here and then the driver of a truck I was in found me and threw me out. I tried to talk to him but he called me a "fucking Russian scumbag" and spat at me. He must have recognised my accent.
It was not far to go after that and I walked the rest of the way.

Poor Sasha. It's not his fault that part of the world is fighting. I wonder how he found us in the end?
Scroll down. Keep reading.

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Eventually, I found the motorbike diner. It was closed as it was night time. I kept walking and found a park with a bench. I tried to sleep but it was too cold.

Then just as it was starting to get light a big dog went running past. He did not notice me, but I heard a woman's voice shouting "Casper" and I knew from the forum that Lulu had a dog called Casper. I knew I was in the right place. I got up and followed at a distance. When they made their way to the house - this house - I waited outside until I had the courage to knock on the door. I looked through the window and saw Sihtric and Rachel. You looked so nice and happy.

So that is my story. I am sorry for turning up with nothing and asking for help. Thank you for your hospitality. I apologise, Sihtric, for taking your clothes.


We have to find him!
Sure you don't want to wait for Lulu to ask permission?
Of course not. She would do the same.

Did you read what I wrote on the computer?
Yes. I'm so sorry you had to go through so much shit. Your man, Ivan, sounded nice though.
I still miss him, but I can never go back.
You can stay with us.
Lulu said I could stay "for the moment." But Rachel dislikes me.
No, she doesn't. Don't tell her I said this, but she cried when she read your story. She'll be nicer from now on.
Are you sure I will not be in the way? What if Lulu's friends do not like her any more because of where I am from?
They won't care. Her good friends will like you. If anyone says anything bad, Rachel will kick their arses and enjoy every minute of it.

Welcome to your new home, Sasha.
Thank you.

Sorry I was a bitch. I hope you like horror movies. If you don't, too bad. Sihtric's a wuss. He hides behind a cushion when I watch scary stuff.
I do not. Ignore her.
I have never watched a movie. Ivan did not have enough money to buy a TV.
Well, Lulu has hundreds of movies on DVD upstairs. Lots of different types.

Hey Lu.
Morning, my darlings.
Just crawl out of bed, did you?
Rude. I was out running as well you know.

Lulu, this is Sasha. He wrote a story for us about how he came to be here. He's from Russia.
What did you say?
I think he swore.
He said "shit," guys.
He's worried people will hate him because of the situation in Ukraine.
Not in this house. Sasha, I'll read your story later. But you're welcome to stay here with us and make this your home. You'll be very much loved here.
Spasibo. Sorry. I mean, thank you.

This is amazing. I have never had anything like this before. Thank you.
Better get used to it. Lulu is a great cook.
So are you, SIhtric, my love.
Pfft! Why cook when you can order pizza?

Sihtric, have you shown Sasha how to shop yet? That was the first thing you did when I came.
Not yet.
Shame on you. Look, Sasha, this is Shein. We get lots of stuff from here.
You can choose your own things?
Does Lulu not mind?
No, she has a good job. She works, we spend.
*thinking* There goes this year's holiday. But they're worth it.

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Briliant story and pictures Lulu, an absolutely epic effort :b

I look beond the picture's and delve into the stupendous effort in putting this together, the movment of all the dolls and seting them up for the shoot, absolutely mind blowing :eek: giving me a run for my money...:p

I have rated this thread 5 stars * * * * * :b

nice story lulu it's getting crowded there good thing you bought a bigger car.
has sasha met the spiders yet?

Briliant story and pictures Lulu, an absolutely epic effort :b

I look beond the picture's and delve into the stupendous effort in putting this together, the movment of all the dolls and seting them up for the shoot, absolutely mind blowing :eek: giving me a run for my money...:p

I have rated this thread 5 stars * * * * * :b


Thanks so much, Samurai. It was indeed a huge effort. Wrote the script a few weeks ago, and managed about 8 of the photos which only needed Sihtric, Rachel and Casper's input, then all the rest have been done over the last five days :D
A wonderful production! Must have been quite an effort to compile!:b:b

Thank you, Dongo. Yes, it was hard work, but loved doing it :D

nice story lulu it's getting crowded there good thing you bought a bigger car.
has sasha met the spiders yet?


Thanks, the car is certainly a Godsend. Sasha hasn't had chance to do much yet this week, but he'll certainly meet the spiders once he gets properly settled in :tu
Welcome, Mr Sasha!

I'm sorry that all those horrible things happened to you!
YA nadeyus', ty chuvstvuyesh' sebya luchshe seychas!
Welcome, Mr Sasha!

I'm sorry that all those horrible things happened to you!
YA nadeyus', ty chuvstvuyesh' sebya luchshe seychas!

Spasibo, Sara, vse choroso :)
I have found a lovely family with Lulu, Sihtric and Rachel :D
Excellent work lulu. Nice to see the finished story. Even though ive known about this from the start its still impressive. Listening to your ideas over the last few weeks and seeing the hard work you put in to this, the photos outdoors and at the park plus all the little details like getting casper in the story and the dinner. Really really good work :b
Excellent work lulu. Nice to see the finished story. Even though ive known about this from the start its still impressive. Listening to your ideas over the last few weeks and seeing the hard work you put in to this, the photos outdoors and at the park plus all the little details like getting casper in the story and the dinner. Really really good work :b

Aww, thanks so much. It would have been a lot harder work without your help, and a lot more torturous waiting for his arrival without you to talk to. Amazing to finally have Sasha here and part of the family :D
That was an epic roller coaster of a ride! Glad Sasha's found a forever home :tu

Stirling work on the photos too, but the one of you and Sihtric in bed. Perfect! :tu

That was an epic roller coaster of a ride! Glad Sasha's found a forever home :tu

Stirling work on the photos too, but the one of you and Sihtric in bed. Perfect! :tu


Thanks, Mr K, it was hard work but worth every minute :D
Oh my Gawd, Oh my Gawd.... That was a masterpiece. My eyes have swelled up a bit, and that barely ever happens!!!! The photography was amazing and the characters were so convincing! Great little story and I appreciate the effort put into this very much, as we all do.

I still love Rachel and her personality shown through. I have new respect for Sihtric. Look forward to seeing the new comer develop.

Wonderful!!!! :b:b:b:b
Oh my Gawd, Oh my Gawd.... That was a masterpiece. My eyes have swelled up a bit, and that barely ever happens!!!! The photography was amazing and the characters were so convincing! Great little story and I appreciate the effort put into this very much, as we all do.

I still love Rachel and her personality shown through. I have new respect for Sihtric. Look forward to seeing the new comer develop.

Wonderful!!!! :b:b:b:b

Thanks, Gary, it's been hard work but great fun putting all this together. Keeping it quiet for 2 months wasn't easy :D
these are not tears ... um i was cutting onions... or i poked my self in the eye :o:o

Great stuff LuLu :b:b:b

and :welcome Alexandr :welcome