Thought provoking.

I haven't seen this before, it struck something in me, tragic and liberating yet feel good.
I don't even know if that's accurate, but I just saw it and it's 2.43am.:wall

I don't remember if it was here where I've seen this before (however, thanks Phil for bringing it back on the screen), but it actually doesn't matter. IMHO it's a brilliant idea and work, and I wouldn't mind watching it every once in a while just as a reminder.

CU cuddly and Lian
Yes you did post this before but I'm glad you posted it again.

It's kinda funny, so many of us aren't fully happy with ourselves in a variety of ways and yet these people with such obvious physical flaws are proud of who they are, very humbling and power to them for such self-acceptance:tu
Thought provoking indeed. A useful reminder to treat people as the individuals they are, not on the basis of their looks.
That's really fantastic Phil, I'm glad you posted that because I haven't seen it before either. Stuff like that changes peoples' perceptions.
A second viewing is no bad thing on such a thought provoking video, shit happens in normal life but these guys..............Phil :tu
Thanks, Phil.
Hadn't seen this before, but I'm glad that you put this up. I feel that all politicians, in all countries, would particularly benefit from a viewing, from time to time! Definitely thought provoking stuff.
Yes, thank you for showing. This say`s me everybody who is not
handycapped can pray to GOD everyday...and say`s " Thank you"...
Thanks, Phil.
Hadn't seen this before, but I'm glad that you put this up. I feel that all politicians, in all countries, would particularly benefit from a viewing, from time to time! Definitely thought provoking stuff.

I agree with Dale, not seen before so well worth a repost :tu

All people need to see diversity and difference regularly so that it becomes the norm. By always focusing peoples attention at ideals or perfection we all loose something I feel.

Very interesting video.

Thanks Phil,
