Signature picture?


Silver Member
I went to add Kate's name to my signature, and saw on the edit signature screen that I have a signature image selected that I uploaded a while ago that I'd forgotten about. But it doesnt display on my posts, is there a trick to making the picture appear in the signature when I post something?

I have had a look in the help forums but couldnt find anything specifically about pictures in the signature :confused:

Thanks AH, hadnt thought of trying that which seems simple enough, but it tells me on the edit signature screen that I have a picture uploaded for it and shows me a preview


It looks like it is set here but it doesnt appear, or is this not what I think it is?
Click the "insert signature" link to the right of the pic

it will add the pics code to your sig and then it will display.

You sig is just more normal BB code added to the bottom of your post, so it needs the usual IMG /IMG tags etc.

Click the "insert signature" link to the right of the pic

it will add the pics code to your sig and then it will display.

You sig is just more normal BB code added to the bottom of your post, so it needs the usual IMG /IMG tags etc.


Got it thanks, clicking Insert did just insert a special [ SIGPIC][ /SIGPIC] tag

I know ive been here a while but ive just tried to add a sig pic. My pic uploaded but it dont show on my posts. Do i have to manually insert it every time. Sorry if its a daft question
Cheers algae. That kinda worked bit the pic was about 10 foot wide lol. Whats the best size to make it. I know 800 x 100 is maximum
Just been helping Adam with his. This works well:


If you use this to host your piccy: I added a clickable link to his.

But for a simple show a picture it would be:


If you want it clickable:
