Photo upload problem


Platinum Member
I'm having trouble uploading my photos from the Meet into an album. I uploaded them onto my laptop and resized them to 800 x 600 but when I tried to put them into an album it says upload failed or if I try to upload five it says I'm lacking a security token.

I did look further into the photos and despite being resized they still show as being 2.4MB whereas album photos have to be no bigger than 2.5KB so this could be the problem. Any ideas how to get them down to 2.5 KB as I'm totally baffled?
It's 250 KB, not 2.5, so you have a bit more room to play with :) but as far as I know, I think as long as the resolution is correct the images should get compressed to the right file size as well, so I'm not sure what's going wrong.
Create a free account here Upload a photo, select the "don't autodelete" option, then upload. Once uploaded, you should see a preview of the image. Click this, then right click > open image in new tab, then use the URL to paste the IMG code section on here. :tu
I just made a test album (and in the process realised albums are a thing and I should start making those instead of attaching files to posts, but anyway...).

I used the last couple of pics I posted in J&M's thread, both resized down to 1000xsomething in photoshop and saved out as jpegs (.jpg). The upload process seems to do a good job of resizing the pics down to 800px. The pics I used started out at 305kb and 207kb for 1000px images. I was thought there may be be a problem with the 305kb image, but I guess once it was auto reduced to 800px it was within the 250kb allowance.

My best guess with why you might be having issues is due to the file size, and the file size is likely due to image format - I imagine you are using something large like .bmp when you should be using .jpg

Easiest way to convert to .jpg on pc is using Paint, although in other editing software (there are decent free ones like or Gimp) you can adjust the quality of the jpg to reduce file size further. That's unnecessary though - I'd be amazed if any normal photo when reduced to an 800px .jpg could come out at more than 250kb.
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The onsite albums allow for 1024x800 pixels, my resized photos are between 99 and 155kb so there seems to be something wrong with your resizing.

Ursa, if you still have problems send me a PM, I'll send you my email address so you can send them to me, I can resize them and return them to you:tu
The onsite albums allow for 1024x800 pixels...

No, that's incorrect. From the album page:


800x800 is the largest image size allowed, you cannot go above 800px in either dimension.

The upload process will, however, automatically resize your images when you upload them, although it warns that you might be better off doing it manually. I haven't noticed any artefacts or anything else wrong with any images I have uploaded that have been auto resized so I'd argue letting the upload resize your images is fine, although mine haven't been much bigger and maybe the auto resizing is worse with higher resolution starting images.

As an example of file sizes, here's an example image converted into .jpg .png and .bmp (same image, just saved out as different file types):


You can see in the columns on the right the file types and their respective sizes. If I was a gambler I'd put money on it that you are having issues because of the file type of the image. Reducing a .bmp to 800px still leaves you with a file of at least 2mb, while my example .jpg is 208kb. The size limit is 250kb so the only real option is .jpg

Assuming you have Windows then resizing an image and saving it out as different file types is super easy in Paint.

Weird, I can upload 1,024 x 800.

Yes, you can, but I would put money on the fact that a 1024x800 image is resized to 800x625 when you do so.

Huh, I just checked your albums and that's correct. The instructions on the album page are incorrect then.
Yes, you can, but I would put money on the fact that a 1024x800 image is resized to 800x625 when you do so.

Huh, I just checked your albums and that's correct. The instructions on the album page are incorrect then.

Mine say 1,024 x 800.
Interesting, I just made a 2000x300 image to see what the upload would do to that. It converted it into an 800x123 image.

I also tried uploading a 1024x200, that got resized down to 800px. Then I tried a 1024x800 to see if there was anything special about those dimensions, also got resized down to 800px.

I have no idea how you managed to upload a 1024 unless there's some other way to upload that I haven't found yet which doesn't have the 800px restriction.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've looked into it a bit further this morning and after some technical jiggery pokery I have managed to get a couple to upload. :) However, the picture I took in portrait mode has been turned back to landscape, any idea why?

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