How to make a dancing shoe Dolly





The video can still be seen at this link,

Best to view by clicking watch on youtube set to full screen, hope you enjoy:)
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I followed this development with interest first time around. That was going on 10 years ago I believe. I do hope you are in good health, Bob.
Think you everyone:), yes Dancing Dolly was many years ago, hard the think my Daughter Jenny is 10 years older than seen in the video:D.
Dancing Dolly she is still here with me, and still dance with her at times:).

Still all these years on nothing out there like her, and I'm sure there are many out there that would love to dance with there Doll:)

I'm 70 and not to well a lot of the time:(, Timbo and Holly have taken over the running of things, also the Kemble site and a all new group just for adult Dolls that has just started on Facebook, one of the first there I think.

It's stiil nice the see and speak with old friends from way back when the two forums got started, and to know new ones as will:).