Mannequin on BBC1 soap,Doctors,12/11!


Active New Member
If you missed this episode yesterday-called ''No Strings Attached''(!)-you can see it on iplayer,it's about a shy young man whose mother finds he's living with a female mannequin,Sienna.The doctors receptionist is quite sympathetic,saying that lots of men have unusual preferences...
"Doctors" Doll reactions.

Posted this on "Dolls in general" section where there is a debate on what kind of doll she actually was. Be interested if anybody else saw it. If not, worth a watch on IPlayer.

"Doctors" Doll reactions.

Just watched the episode on IPlayer. I guess the fact that a doll relationship formed the subject of an episode indicates we are not so uncommon. I wonder just what the uk sales of "companions" are?
Yes, Siena looks like a decent inflatable and given the abuse she suffered at the hands of the harridan mum, and being able to take a bath, a lot more durable than I'd have thought!
Good example of outsider reactions - shock, horror, unnnatural etc. I've been called mad, bizarre and demented but I don't give a fig; my Kat is lovely and good for me.

The lad did seem a bit desperate though and still in the "honeymoon" phase - buying her flowers and all - and all those new clothes! Kat and I have a more laid back relationship and she's definitely not soft or soppy. Gradually I'm "coming out" and more acquaintances and visitors are coming to understand that I have an unusual girlfriend. Generally the reaction has been incomprehension and amused acceptance of my eccentricity and only a minority in shock! I guess I would have found it all odd a year ago but I'm totally converted now and just wish others could experience it or just be happy for us..

Be nice if dolls could feature more in the media so that a relationship became to be seen as less a weird perversion and nothing particularly unusual. After all we live in a changing world and many other "minority pursuits" are coming to be accepted as part of our diverse society.
Thanks for the heads-up deke.

Just in case you think folks are ignoring your thread I am posting this link to another discussion that is on-going about that programme. Please come and join in. :)

Doctors and the Doll
