Act II The Dark Grimoire


Golden Diamond Member

Juliet “Aggy, you’re a witch, why do you say it’s creepy and horrid?”

Agnetha “ I know that it’s feels wrong. I felt a presence, something was triggered when you opened it and started reading. Whoever the Witch was that created that Book of Shadows.............I don’t want to upset her. There’s a purpose in it’s coming here.”

Juliet “Do you have a Book like this ?”

Agnetha “Yes, hidden away safe and sound from you and Wulfie.”

Juliet “So you still have your powers and they were increased after you disposed of Wulfies ex and her mother”


Thinks - Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, that was fun

Agnetha “It’s doesn’t work like that, they were witches too, normally harm caused comes back threefold but they were here for a purpose, I’m almost afraid to say for that Book, but they were too early in showing their hand. Wulfie was lucky.”

Juliet “ You can read the book and see what its purpose is, you mean Wulfie no harm but you can also protect him from it.”

“Nooooooooooooooooo, you can’t, no no no no no no, you mustn’t”


“And you can shut up furbag, when I cross back over the first thing I’m going to do is piss in your waterbowl........”


Juliet “What was that? I heard something”

Agnetha “I did too, I thought I caught a glimpse of a shadow.............. but it’s gone now”

“No cigar blondie, you’re good, but not good enough for the Captain heheheh”

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Juliet “ Go on, what does it say............”

Agnetha “ It’s not a Witches Book at all................................ it was created by a Warlock..............”


Juliet “ Is that bad..................”

Agnetha “For Wulfie.................yes...................there’s a list of names, all crossed out except for two, one, which I’m not permitted to see but I can sense it’s written there............. and the second .......................”

Juliet “ Go on, go on, what’s the name..................”

Agnetha “Wulfie” and it’s written in blood”


“As my old friend Omar wrote ,

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
 Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit,
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
 Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

But helpless pieces in the game He plays,
 Upon this chequer-board of Nights and Days,
He hither and thither moves, and checks… and slays,
 Then one by one, back in the Closet lays.

And, as the Cock crew, those who stood before
 The Tavern shouted— “Open then the Door!
You know how little time we have to stay,
 And once departed, may return no more.”

Omars name was on the list but I liked him and tipped him off a millennia ago. He quickly passed the Book on, Wulfie had an inkling of what it was but didn’t, that’s why his name is not crossed out to be replaced by the next chosen victim………. And you girls are going to make things much much worse”

Agnetha “My old blood candle is almost at an end, it has seconds of life left but should reveal what the Book wants........ get it Juliet, we must know.”

“As the song goes, There may be trouble ahead............... and you two floosies are bang on course for a short painful lesson. A TeddyBabe and a BoyToy, this’ll be good to watch”


Agnetha “There’s an incantation I must think through to make the Book yield its purpose, for once Juliet, for once do not say anything, promise me, it’s most important.............”
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Juliet “Trust me I’m a TeddyBabe, cross my heart”

Agnetha “That’s the problem, light the candle and shut up.”

“This’ll be good, a quiet TeddyBabe errrrrrn errrn



“Oh oh, noooooooooooooo.........stop............................”


Juliet “Aggy, the candles gone out............”

“Wheeeeeew, nearly, good little TeddyBabe.................nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo.......................

Agnetha “Which part of ‘don’t say anything’ didn’t you understand..................”

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Uh oh... this doesn't look good. :eek:

A quiet Teddy Babe is possible, but it normally involves gags and sticky tape and the like. Otherwise......... :eek:

Great story Wulfie, luvvin it.

More, more more. :D

Loving it.

They do say; "Never call up that which you do not have the power to put down!" Happens on my computer all the time!
Didn't know the quote was Omar! I'll remember that. Thanks.
Dunno what that is on the carpet but if you will leave the doors open you probably are going to get hedgehogs coming in????

Look forward to the next instalment. Great cinematography by the way; pity we cannot make a soundtrack..
Awe hes so cute :o


They have turn the dog into a furrball :eek:


Excellent work wulfie the angle of the shoots and expressions on the girls faces are fantastic, looking foward to see how this one turns out, just better bring the pooch back.
Uh oh... this doesn't look good. :eek:

A quiet Teddy Babe is possible, but it normally involves gags and sticky tape and the like. Otherwise......... :eek:

Great story Wulfie, luvvin it.

More, more more. :D


Thanks CT, it's like Laurel and Hardy with this pair but getting there.
They do say; "Never call up that which you do not have the power to put down!" Happens on my computer all the time!
Didn't know the quote was Omar! I'll remember that. Thanks.
Dunno what that is on the carpet but if you will leave the doors open you probably are going to get hedgehogs coming in????

Look forward to the next instalment. Great cinematography by the way; pity we cannot make a soundtrack..

The Rubiat of Omar Khayam, a priceless copy went down with the Titanic, another useless piece of trivia :D
Awe hes so cute :o


They have turn the dog into a furrball


Excellent work wulfie the angle of the shoots and expressions on the girls faces are fantastic, looking foward to see how this one turns out, just better bring the pooch back.

Thanks bud but he's a she :D
Witchcraft, Pyrotechnics, Great Balls of Fur :eek: what horrors are unleashed at Wulfies place?!?!?!


“And you can shut up furbag, when I cross back over the first thing I’m going to do is piss in your waterbowl........”

I'd pay good money to see that.:D:D:D

The Captain? Beefheart, Mainwaring, Pugwash, 'and Tenile'?

This is one impressive gripping saga, fantastic visuals, gorgeous girls. I think an oscar nomination may be due Wulfie.
You might have to talk to the housekeeper about that there giant dust bunny.: lol : :D
I love those pictures of Agnetha examining the book. you have got her expression of concentration just perfect.
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