Photo uploading problems - a workaround

Kate Kane

Platinum Member
For some time now the image uploader has not allowed me to insert images into posts and would only attach the image files to the post as thumbnails. I've tried loading images from albums but without any greater success - I just get an 'invalid image' message. Frankly, it has been driving me nuts, but I have now stumbled across a workaround that finally allows me to insert proper full size images in my posts.

From looking around it seems like a fair few other guys may well be having the same problem. So here's how the workaround works for me.
I always resize my files so that they meet the specified size requirements before starting the posting process. I normally use a mac programme called IResize but most photo applications for Mac or PC will do this for you. There is also this website you can use -

So, assuming you already have your image file(s) conforming within the maximum filesize requirements and have the new new thread/post reply screen open, follow this procedure.

1. Open the 'manage attachments' dialog box by clicking on the 'attachments' button on the message composition box.

2. In the 'manage attachments' pop-up box choose the first image file and click to upload it. Once uploaded, the file will appear in the list of 'current attachments' within the manage attachments box.

3. Click on the underscored filename in the current attachments list to open and display the image in Safari/Internet Explorer/Chrome et al.

4. Highlight the image file path/URL above the image in the browser page and right-click or use the edit menu to choose copy. Once you have selected copy you can close the browser page.

5. To insert the image in your post, place the cursor where you want the image to appear then click on the 'insert image' button (the icon with the grey mountain against the yellow background). This will bring up a dialog box prompting you to enter the image URL. Right-click on the highlighted 'http://' within the box and paste in the path/URL you selected to copy from the browser page. Click ok and, hey presto, you should have the code for a nice shiny full size image within the text of your post. Use 'preview post' to check that the image has loaded correctly.

I hope this helps solve some image uploading problems you may be experiencing.
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I always do albums, it's always a backup for my pics and providing they're resized to less than a 900 x 900, they go through.
I must be lucky my pictures work fine the only time i have trouble is if my images a larger than 97.5kb . My pictures size is around 1970x1970 more or less.

I use gimp to resize my images i have to reduce them alot as they start off at 3200x3200
And and about 4mb
Nice work jensguy, im sure this will help any member who encounters the same problem, and a well done you for posting a fix here. :)

Loading from albums

Thanks Bob. I tried pasting in the BB Code from my albums but for some weird reason I get a message saying the image is not recognised. Still, no matter, I have found a method that works and I'm just happy that I can post full proper images again.
Ah, a proper Mini, looks a nice one too. Is she yours Bob?

It's weird, I think sometimes that the uploader must have taken a personal dislike to me. I've followed all the usual guidelines that seem to work for others but, except on the odd occasion when I must catch it in a good mood, without success. Maybe its something on my system, but at least I now have a workround that seems to work every time, so I'm ok with that.
Thanks Bob, but not to worry. Its just one of those little quirks and so long as there's a way to get around it that's ok by me