First time doll owner


New Member
Hi all, I have been looking at Dolls to buy for some time over the last few years after a Teddy babe finally wore out.

I took the plunge the other week and purchased a Kimber doll as i was a doll newbie and really didn't know what i was getting myself into. The whole process was easy enough and i got to pick a date for delivery. The time arrived for delivery and i was really excited about it.
The delivery driver looked at his paperwork for my address and said that he would need some help with it. I knew she weighed nearly 30Kg which i felt confident in lifting but what i hadn't bargained on was the so called 'dead weight' of her. As such i nearly did myself an injury carting the box up two flights of stairs with the delivery man. My muscles are still killing me now. She is so heavy that you can't just slide your arms underneath it when it's lying flat on the bed. Every slight movement of her requires a lot of strength so if you are a future doll owner who is impressed with the looks of a doll try and get an idea of 'dead weight' before taking the plunge because you might not be able to get her up the drive!

I bought some clothes for the doll which i will dress her in and post up some pictures. The Kimber doll is very beautiful and looks great in just the basic lingerie that comes with her. The only problem for me is the weight! I'm just learning how to move and pose the doll in the easiest way using leverage rather than dead lifting all the time. It hasn't put me off doll ownership although any future dolls are going to have to be much lighter.
Hi Flanders and :welcome to the Forum from PD and the girls :)

Yes, weight is a major factor and the prime cause for people selling their dolls soon after acquiring them.

You learn the techniques for moving them that work best for you and there is a lot of advice on here.

My lightest girl, Miranda Louise, is 35Kg and my heaviest, Morgana (XY170) is around 48Kg! Most of mine are over 40Kg and I have learnt the ways of moving them that work best for me.

In time, you will find that it gets easier :)
Welcome to the forum!

OK, quick wins to get you going :D

Sating Pyjamas! (Long sleeve, Long Legs) they will help her tot slide about in bed a little better, you'll be able yo get an arm under her more easily, and trust me, boobs feel awesome under Satin!

If you dont like Satin (I find it to hot and sticky in summer) then any PJ's will do, but she wont slip over the bed sheets as easily.

White or a very light pink for preference in colour to avoid any risk of staining.

You'll get used tot he weight, it takes time. It's not like carrying a sack of spuds or being able to press xyz down the Gym. this is a human sized and shaped lump that wobbles about and doenst help you at all! Take is slow, and you'll be fine :D

Im betting 99%of people say a similar thing. Ive always been fairly fit but when my emma arrived and i had to carry her up a flight of stairs i did wonder what the hell id got myself into. 2 years later and with 4 girls to look after I still make the old man noises when i pick them up although it does get a little easier as time goes. You learn ways to carry them and your strength will improve.
Best of luck and welcome to the forum.
Have a good long gaze in her eyes and she will tell you her name, you'll soon forgive her for the weight :tu
Give her a chance. Your body learns how to lift these girls.

In the box there is nothing to get you hands around plus you have everything else thats in the box. packaging can also add around 7kg to her weight. By the time that you have that upstairs her actual weight will be forgotten and you will only be thinking of the struggle to get her there.

You're back is probably still recoving!

Out of the box, once you have fully recovered lift with the knee's, not the back.

The girl who seems twinned with a hippo at the moment will seem half her weight in two weeks when you have carried her around a little.

I'm in my sixties, I work in financial IT and the closest I get to a gym is seeing one on TV so not exactly a tonned adonis (much as I'm sure those who attend the iDome will try to disagree with me on that :21) but I've got a lot of these girls ranging between 26 and 38kg and happily wander around the house, including going up and downstairs with them.

It does get easier once you learn how to lift them (and every one is a little different).

Just don't overdo it. Give you're back a chance to rest until repeatedly moving her builds up more strength where it needs to be (takes about two weeks to see a real difference and you won't even notice that you are excercising).

Many congrats on your new girl and welcome to the forum,

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Welcome to the forum and doll life.

Moving them gets easier. I find sitting her on an office chair helps to get her around the house. The chair arms get in the way so its best to remove them.

Enjoy the honeymoon.
Tut, no answers when I started writing. Press enter and find you're all in there faster than a ferret down a rabbit hole, lol.

reading through them though, we've definitely got a concensus reply though... It gets easier. :tu

Morning all :D
I'm in my sixties, I work in financial IT and the closest I get to a gym is seeing one on TV so not exactly a tonned adonis (much as I'm sure those who attend the iDome will try to disagree with me on that :21)


You have the body of a God, Shamus.

Buddah is god, right??

Hi Flanders, welcome. I'm new around here and a new owner too. I know what you mean about the weight, I was expecting the weight but I think what surprised me was the " stiffness " of moving her about. Luckily I will echo what the rest of the forum has been saying in that it does get easier very quickly. Watch a few videos and spend an hour with her just posing her and moving her about and you'll learn pretty quickly.
Office chairs are an excellent shout, also a small coffee table covered in a soft sheet I also find very useful for just quickly laying back, repositioning, then back up. Careful of sharp edges, like I say cover the table.
I've found loads of useful stuff on here since becoming a owner, have a dig about on here and you'll be put right on a lot of things.
A few hints n toips to get you started.

1) They are easier to dress with the head off (But as you get to know her you feel guilty for doing it!).

2) skirts go on easier over the head

3) Powder them (I use cornflour, some others use talc) before attempting to get jeans on them.

4) body stockings prevent stains

5) Primark size xxs tops

6) Socks on their hands when they go to bed. Hands are real delicate. treat them as though they are made of egg shells.

7) Thermal styling hair brushes and / or tangle teasers

8) A different (cheap) wig for in the bed to out of it.

9) under wig nylon wig caps prevent wig staining

10) Get ready to learn the dark art of womens makeup. You will need a powder pallette, an eye shadow pallet (that has a white) and some quality brushes as you are effectively painting their faces. I also have a selection of lipsticks for them but you can also use eye shadow as lippy.

11) for cleaning off makeup / minor marks. White miro fibre cloth and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The cloths work better as they age. New dry ones drink too much of the EVOL.

12) Lots of Cornflour or Talc. I apply cornflour to mine with a four inch sable paint brush (the brush has to be soft).

13) Keep her out of direct sunlight. UV light kills them.

14) white sheets and pillow cases in bed.

15) keep her cool. well away from radiators / hot pipes.

You will pick up loads more on here but thats a good starter checklist.

Have fun together and hurry up and tell us what her name is :tu

My Callie is supposed to be 32kg and I find it easy to carry her if she is in a seated position

start with her lying on your bed, raise one leg to 90 degrees, then bend her knee down, repeat with the other leg, then turn and raise her to be seated on the side of the bed

move the arm nearest to you away, so you don't damage either her arm or hands by crushing

with one arm under her knees, your other around her back, lift with your knees.

an office chair is a common suggestion for moving between rooms, as is checking the way is clear and doors are open, difficult to open a door when both your hands are full

and do take a look at
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an office chair is a common suggestion for moving between rooms, as is checking the way is clear and doors are open, difficult to open a door when both your hands are full

Plus you get the added feel good factor of hearing them going Wheeeeee.... as you pull them from room to room.... What! Your's don't shout Wheeeee?.... I thought that everyone's did that!

Lol, When my Mother came to stay when she was on her last legs this time last year she couldn't walk at all. I would lift her out of bed (wouldn't have been able to do that without being a doll owner!), put her in an office chair and took her to the toilet that way. She did comment that it was such a clever idea. However did I think of it! :whistle:

Lol, reminds me. When moving the girls around in the room above her there would be quite a bit of floorboard creaking. She questioned what it was to which I responded that it was just the Elves. Bless, she thought I was joking with her :21:24
A few hints n toips to get you started.

3) Powder them (I use cornflour, some others use talc) before attempting to get jeans on them.

Or put tights on them first.

2) skirts go on easier over the head


OK so for anything that has to go over the hip/bum I use this method (I dont hand or stand my girls for dressing)

.Lay her on her back with her legs bent 90' straight up on a low table or the bed.
.Put on what ever it going on (jeans, skirt, Knickers, Bodysuit etc) and work it up to the hips/crotch
.Bend the knees 90' and part the legs slightly, then get you head between her knees and your shoulders behind her knees.
.Straighten yourself up and her hip will rise from the bed
.You now have both hands free to get whatever over her hips

Also Shameless plug but Maddie did cover some bedtime protection ideas
